Question:- My uncle left a sum of money for his burial expenses. However, when he passed away, an anonymous person paid for the burial expenses. What should now be done with the money that my uncle left behind? Answer:- In the queried scenario, since the funds were...
Controlling the inheritance of a drug addict
Question:- Kindly advise if there is any Mas'alah with regards to withholding the inheritance of a drug addict. Is there any Ayah, Hadith, or Fiqhi text with regards to the Mas'alah? If there is no room to take control of his finances, what is the Shari'ee advice in...
Calculating shares of heirs
Question:- 1. Please advise on the distribution of the above: Mr. A is married to Mrs. B. They have no children. Both Mr. A and Mrs. B have no parents. Mr. A has no brothers, but he has one sister who has 2 sons and 2 daughters. Mr. A has a cousin who happens to be...
Executor appointing an heir to assist with the distribution of the estate
Question:- Can an executor appoint one of the heirs to assist him in attending to the distribution of the estate? Answer:- If the current executor appoints an heir as his executor (to attend to the distribution of the estate) then doing so will be acceptable,...
Distributing firearms belonging to the deceased’s estate
Question:- My late father, among other things, left behind two firearms. The rest of the estate has been dissolved. It is just the firearms that are now remaining. The son intends taking one firearm, which is the shotgun, and the son-in-law intends taking the other...
One heir runs family business without consent of remaining heirs
Question:- An estate has not been settled for a few years now. The deceased had left behind a few sons and daughters. However, one son ran the business, which was a part of the estate and had not been divided amongst the heirs yet. He ran the business to the ground,...
Stipulating which assets will be allocated to the different heirs after one’s demise
Question:- Is it permissible for a person to split his inheritance amongst his heirs whilst he is alive? For example, he wants to stipulate which items will go to whom during his life time, so that there is no partnership in his assets (amongst his heirs) after his...
Function of an executor
Question:- What are the responsibilities of executors of an estate? Do they need permission of the heirs for any transaction, or do they have unilateral power in the execution of their duties? Can they sell property without the consent of the heirs? Answer:- 1. An...