I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and he asked me the following questions:
Does Zuhr time end for a Hanafi at the start of the Shafi’ee Asr time, or Hanafi Asr time?
If a Hanafi read Witr Salaah in Makkah Sharif, does the Witr Salaah need to be repeated? If so, why? Isn’t the Shafi’ee view acceptable as well?
Why do we follow one Imaam only, and not all?
If I want to follow a Sunnah of Imaam Shafi’ee and I am Hanafi, can I do so? For example, performing Witr Salaah according to the view of Imaam Shafi’ee Rahimahullah?
Am I sinful if I touch my wife and go for Salaah if I am Shafi’ee, but act upon the view of Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahimahullah?