Business Dealings

Rules Of Advertising

Q1) I advertise my second-hand items and unwanted gifts on WhatsApp trade groups. People will message me asking to purchase the items and if I have a few people asking, then I sell it to the one who asked first. Since these items are sold at a minimal amount, I allow...

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Loaning Interest Funds

QUESTION: A non-Muslim requested a loan from a Muslim and said he'll pay them X amount extra (i.e. interest). The Muslim agreed to this. When questioned about it, they said that the money that they are borrowing to the person is from their interest money, so it's...

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Validity Of An Employment Contract

QUESTION: Alhamdulillah, I have a job offer, but I am not sure if it is Islamic. The working hours are 48 hours per week. I queried as to how many hours per day and was told it is a 6-day week job with the amount of hours per day where the timings and the number of...

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Buying Wheel Caps From Vendors

QUESTION: Vendors/hawkers sell second-hand wheel caps, which are presumably obtained from the roadside where it has fallen off from cars (the owners do not know that it fell off while driving), or perhaps from people (very often drug-users or petty theft criminals)...

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Charging A Fee When Swiping A Card

QUESTION: Small-scale businesses accept bank cards as a method of payment. However they have a minimum of R30 or R50 spend in order to swipe. I visited a store and bought two items to the value of R29. I asked the cashier if I could  swipe and he said yes. Thereafter,...

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Using Insurance Funds To Pay Taxes

QUESTION: A person has life insurance for his mother. She is still alive. is it permissible for him to keep the life insurance and once she passes away, he will take his capital amount and use the balance of the money to pay taxes? ANSWER: He should cancel the...

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Riba In Food Items

Q1) According to the Hadeeth concerning Riba it is mentioned  [والملح بالملح..] If someone goes to their neighbour and asks for salt and says that they will give the neighbour some back later, is this considered as Riba ? If they give extra, will this also fall under...

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Disposing Of Interest Funds

Q1) I keep my money in a commercial bank account. Recently, the bank started paying me interest since a positive balance is maintained. Is it necessary for me to switch to a non-interest bearing account? A1) Yes, if you have an option of keeping your money in a...

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