QUESTION: If a borehole was dug for the masjid or Madrasah with the intention of Waqf, can one fill up containers of water and take them home for personal use? ANSWER: If the donors donated the borehole for the use of the Masjid,Madrasah and needs of the public, then...
Selling Waqf land
Question:- Is it permissible to sell Waqf land if a potential buyer offers a high price? Answer:- If the land in question was made Waqf to an institute, then it will belong to the institute and cannot be sold even though the institute may be offered a high price for...
Investing Waqf funds without the consent of the donor
QUESTION: Is it correct for organizations or similar establishments, who claim to be non-profit, or working for the community, to have huge investments with so called Islamic finance or Islamic financial institutions? While having such huge investments, they still...
Erecting tennis courts on Madrasah premises and hiring them out
Question:- Can a Madrasah rent out tennis courts for matches and use the income for expenses of the institute? Answer:- A Madrasah is generally donated (made Waqf) to the Muslim community primarily to have Muslim children educated in Deeni matters hence, the Madrasah...
Deciding in matters of a charitable trust with consultation
Question:- If there are two daughters and an independent male appointed as Trustees to their late father's charitable trust, are the daughters allowed to ask for a say as to where the Lillah will be spent etc.? Also, are the rest of the shareholders/heirs allowed to...
Avenues of spending Waqf funds
Question:- In our Masjid trust named "XYZ Mosque and Madrasah Trust", there are Waqf properties. Can the income from the waqf properties be used for the following: 1. Musjid maintenance 2. Madrasah maintenance 3. Imaam and Muazzin salaries 4. Ustaad salaries in the...
Disposing of Masjid items
Question:- A few questions from a Masjid committee: 1- Carpets that have been removed/replaced at the masjid We have Musallees interested in purchasing them so we plan to edge the sides, charge the Musallee for that and request they give a donation to the Masjid 1.1 -...
Reserving a parking bay exclusively for the Imaam
Question:- Is it permissible to have a parking bay reserved exclusively for the Imaam at the Masjid, considering that the Land is Waqf property? Answer:- Land donated to the Masjid is generally made Waqf for the use of the Muslim Ummah. This simply means that every...