
How To Become Punctual In Salaah

QUESTION: How can a person adopt punctuality in his Salaah? ANSWER: Generally, people have trouble waking up for the Fajr Salaah, thus we will provide a prescription for awakening for Fajr first. Hadrat Abu Moosa Radiallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu...

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Latest Zuhr Time For Hanafis

QUESTION: If I have not performed Zuhr at its appointed time, does my Salaah become Qadhaa once the call for Shafi'ee Asr has set in? Can I perform the entire Zuhr Salaah until before Asr has set in for a Hanafi? ANSWER: When the shadow of an object reaches twice its...

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Hanafi Reading Ishaa in Shafi Time

QUESTION: Just wanted to know is it permissible for a Hanafi to read Esha early behind a Shafi' / Hanbali Imam even though there are Hanafi Masjids in the area? Their Esha is generally around 20-25 minutes earlier than the Hanafi Esha. ANSWER: There is difference of...

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Holding Two Jamaats In A Hall

QUESTION: Our Nazirah classes are upstairs now, and if we go downstairs for Namaz, that would create problems for Namazis. Would performing our own Jamaat upstairs be a solution, or should we stay upstairs and and join the downstairs Jamaat (while the downstairs hall...

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Performing Salaah On The Upper Level Of The Masjid

QUESTION: A person performs Salaah in the upstairs section of the Masjid alone or sometimes with one other person, then too, not standing shoulder to shoulder, separate from the main Jamaat downstairs in the Masjid. What is the ruling of such a Salaah? ANSWER: The...

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Ladies Facilities In A Masjid Compound

QUESTION: From a Shari' perspective, is it permissible to have a female facility in the Masjid complex? ANSWER: We are living in an era where Muslims undertake journeys to visit family and relatives, and for various other reasons as well. Men easily perform their...

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Combining Two Salaah

QUESTION: Why is the joining of Salaah permissible in some Madhaa'ib and not in the others? ANSWER: The Imaams of Fiqh deduced the Masaa’il of Shariah with complete trustworthiness and religiousness considering the proofs of Shariah. Those Masaa’il that were proven...

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