QUESTION: If someone did not read Salah for four years, what should they do and how do they repent? ANSWER: One should sincerely repent for missing Salaah on its appointed time. Together with Taubah, one will be required to perform all the missed Salaah. ALLAH TA’ALA...
Qadha And Kaffarah
Qadhaa of Witr Salaah
QUESTION: I found out that Witr salaah is compulsory. I thought it was Nafl/Sunnah. I accepted Islam from 2016 and I have missed approximately 2844 Witr Salaah since then. Should I make Qadhaa of all, or will Taubah suffice? ANSWER: It is compulsory to make Qadhaa of...
Salaah of a Person Suffering from Schizophrenia
QUESTION: A deceased person's family wishes to pay Fidya for the person's missed fasts and Salaah during his lifetime. Q1. He suffered for almost all of of his life from Schizophrenia. Alhamdulillah, he managed to function normally in terms of his life and business,...
Time allotted for Qadha Salaah
QUESTION: How much time should a person allot to performing Qadha Salaah in a day? If a person has to perform quite a bit of Qadha Salaah and dedicates 20-30mins daily for this objective, and recites Quraan for 1 hour everyday, then will he be sinful for giving less...
Making Qadha of the Sunnat-e-Muakkadah Salaah
Question:- When making up Qadha Salaah, do we have to read both the Sunnat-e-Mu’akkadah and the Fardh or only the Fardh? Answer:- If one misses his Fajr Salaah and is making Qadha of the Salaah before Zawaal then he should perform the two Sunnat-e-Muakkadah and the...
Mistake in one’s Niyyah
QUESTION: Please advise: I’ve heard that on making Qadha Salaah, we have to specify which Salaah we are making Qadha of in our intention. So, I say, for example, "Oh Allah, I’m reading 4 rakaats Fardh Qadha of 1 January 2024." I accidentally said 2023 in my intention...
Reading Qadha Salaah after Asr Salaah
QUESTION: Is it permissible to read Qadha Salah after Asr? If one happened to read his Qadha Salaah after Asr, will he have to repeat it? ANSWER: It is permissible to perform one’s Qadha Salaah after Asr Salaah, hence there is no need to repeat the Qadha Salaah if...
Repeating the Salaah performed whilst seated on a plane
Question:- A person reads Salaah on the plane. However, due to turbulence, the Salaah is read sitting and not standing. If the Salaah is repeated after the time expires, will the Salaah be regarded as Qadha? Answer:- If the Fardh Salaah is performed whilst seated on a...