
Yassir Qadhi

QUESTION: Please advise if it is acceptable to follow Yassir Qadhi? ANSWER: We do not approve of Yassir Qadhi. Hereunder are some general guidelines one should use to determine as to who is worthy of being followed: 1. The person has studied under a reputable scholar...

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Marrying a Salafi

QUESTION: Are Muslims allowed to marry Salafis? Is Salafism allowed in Islam, and is the person considered a Muslim? ANSWER: One’s Nikah with a Salafi will be valid as they are Muslims who believe in Tawheed and the Risaalat of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam....

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Status of Nabi Isa Alaihis Salaam

QUESTION: When Hadrat Isa Alayhis Salaam will be raised on the day of Judgement, will he be raised as a Prophet or an Ummati? ANSWER: Ibn Hajar Asqalani Rahimahullah states in Isaabah, that Allama Dhahabi Rahimahullah has mentioned in his Kitaab, that Isa Alaihis...

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Deviated Sects

QUESTION: I am reaching out to seek your expertise and guidance on understanding the various subsets within Islam. I am eager to learn more about the different sects, their beliefs, practices, and historical contexts.  Additionally, I would appreciate your insights on...

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Abdullah Bin Sa’d Bin Sarh

QUESTION: Please elaborate on the incident involving Abdullah ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Sarh. A person has become Murtad and cites the fact that this Sahabi became Murtad yet he was a scribe of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam. ANSWER: Abdullah bin Sa’d bin Sarh was the...

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Democracy in Islam

Q1. Is a Muslim sinful for staying under a democratic government in South Africa which promotes so much wrong and atrocities against the Deen of Allah Ta’ala? A person will not be sinful for living in South Africa which is a democratic country. However, one should not...

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Ruling Against Shariah

QUESTION: If a Muslim ruler does not rule according to Shariah, rather he chooses to rule according to the laws of the Kuffaar, does he still remain a Muslim? ANSWER: Allah Ta’ala states in the Quraan Sharif, “Whoever does not rule according to what Allah has revealed...

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Salaah Behind a Salafi

QUESTION: Will my prayer will be valid if the Imaam is one who is of the belief that Allah Ta'ala has two hands and two eyes Nauzubillah, or he is a Salafi or from among the Ahle-Hadith, who also accept this belief? ANSWER: If the Salafi is moderate in his temperament...

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