Food And Drink

Hot-Cross Buns And Easter Eggs

QUESTION: Is it permissible to eat chocolate Easter eggs and hot-cross buns purchased from a shop? ANSWER: It is not permissible to consume hot-cross buns and chocolate Easter eggs as these have connotations of Kufr attached to them. Similarly, it is not permissible...

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Eating One Meal, Or Three

QUESTION: "A person may eat one meal a day and eat extravagantly in that meal; or, he may eat three meals without being extravagant. The Hadith of Al- Miqdaad Radiallahu Anhu encourages eating small amounts of food and be content with that which is enough to keep one...

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Consumption Of Zebra, Giraffe etc.

QUESTION: Is it permissible to eat Zebra and Giraffe meat? ANSWER: Yes, it is permissible to eat both Zebra and giraffe meat. Re:- Fataawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya Pg.229 - 231 Vol.6 ALLAH TA’ALA IN HIS INFINITE KNOWLEDGE KNOWS BEST! ANSWERED BY: Mufti Mohammed Desai...

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Using A Round Dastarkhaan

QUESTION: Is it Sunnah to use a round Dastarkhaan? Someone mentioned that Nabi Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to use a round, red Dastarkhaan; sometimes leather and at other times material; is this correct? ANSWER: It is recorded in Tuhfatul Ahwazi which is the...

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Eating Meat That is Partially Cooked

QUESTION: Are all of the following levels of cooked steak permissible to consume, or is there detail to the permissibility of consumption? Levels of Steak Doneness: Blue Rare: 115-120°F (46-49°C) Rare: 120-125°F (49-52°C) Medium Rare: 130-135°F (54-57°C) Medium:...

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Eating Sushi

QUESTION: Please advice on the ruling pertaining to the consumption of Sushi. ANSWER: Sushi refers to the eating of sliced raw fish as a meal. Consuming fish is permitted in Shariah, so there shouldn’t be any harm in consuming sushi if it is prepared with Halaal...

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Animals Stunned Before Slaughter

QUESTION: The method of slaughtering at all commercial abattoirs is 100% in conflict with the Shariah. The animals are tortured prior to them being slaughtered. This is the meat that is being supplied to our Muslim butcheries and in turn, sold to the Ummah as...

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Consuming Crustaceans

QUESTION: Is a Muslim allowed to eat crabs and lobsters? ANSWER: It is not permissible to consume anything from the ocean besides fish according to the Hanafi Madhab. Hence, consuming crabs and lobsters is impermissible since they are not a part of the fish family....

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