Appearance And Attire

Applying Mehndi To The Nails Only

QUESTION: Is it true that it is impermissible to wear nail mehndi without applying mehndi to the hand as well? If so, what should one do as the hand mehndi washes out faster than the nail mehndi? Would one have to keep reapplying the hand mehndi until the nail one is...

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Hair Transplant

QUESTION: What is the ruling on having a hair transplant carried out? ANSWER: If a person has lost his hair due to illness or some other reason, then transplanting one’s own hair to the defective area will be acceptable. If water is able to reach the roots of the hair...

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Using A Brown Dye Which Looks Black

QUESTION: I normally dye my hair with dark brown hair dye and it comes out black initially for a number of days before it turns brown. Is the dark brown permissible? ANSWER: We are prohibited in the Mubarak Ahadith from using a black dye. You have stated in your query...

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Wearing A Ghararah

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a bride or other females in the family to wear 'Ghararas' for a Walimah or Nikaah? Is this practice established from Hinduism or an un-Islamic tradition? ANSWER: The Ghararah is believed to have originated in the Mughal era when it was...

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Women Wearing Long Garments

QUESTION: The Hadith states that the maximum length allowed for women is one handspan longer than men so why do we allow longer lengths for Jilbaab that drags to the ground for women? Is it permissible for women to wear longer garments that fall past their feet for...

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Wearing A Watch On the Left Hand

QUESTION: A person was gifted a watch. Unfortunately, the watch is a bit tight and cannot be extended as it is made with leather straps. The watch can, however, fit on the left hand. Will it be sinful to wear it on the left hand? ANSWER: To wear a watch on both hands...

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Women Exposing Their Hair

QUESTION: There is mention made of Hadrat Khadija Radiallahu Anhu showing her hair and thereafter Jibra’eel Alaihis Salaam leaving the room. Even in Taalim, we read that the angels of mercy do not enter a room if a female's hair is exposed. Does that mean then that...

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