
Sitting in Salaah Due to Weakness

QUESTION: Is it permissible to begin Salaah while standing, and after the first Rakaat, one sits and complete the remainder of the Salaah due to weakness, knee problems, etc.? ANSWER: Yes, it will be permissible to do so. [Re: Kitaabun Nawaazil Vol:5 Pg:480] بَابُ...

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Adjusting Clothing During Salaah

QUESTION: If we adjust our clothing with both hands when changing positions in Salaah, does it break the Salaah? ANSWER: According to the Hanafi Madhab, Amal-e-Katheer refers to excessive movement in Salaah that is not carried out for the correctness of Salaah and...

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Advising a New Muslim on the Performance of Salaah

QUESTION: May we advise a new Muslim to perform the Fardh of every Salaah, and then when they comprehend Salaah, we explain Sunnah, Nafl, etc. in order for them to perform Salaah? Should they learn all of this immediately, or would it be determined by their degree of...

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Female Correcting a Mahram’s Fault in Salaah

QUESTION: Is it permitted for a woman to vocally correct a Mahram's faults while she performs Salaah behind him? ANSWER: No, verbal correction will not be correct. Yes, she may hit the outer palm to get his attention and thereby correct the error. التسبيح للرجال...

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Females reading Salaah Audibly to Teach Children

QUESTION: Is a woman allowed to recite aloud in Nafl Salaah in order for her children to learn how to perform Salaah? ANSWER: It is not permissible for a woman to recite any Salaah audibly. [Fataawa Darul Uloom Zakariyyah Vol:2 Pg:191] The mother could demonstrate to...

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Reciting Additional Duas in Witr Salaah

QUESTION: Is Witr Salaah limited to the reading of Dua-e-Qunoot only, or can we recite additional Duas aswell? ANSWER: It is permissible to recite other Duas as long as they do not resemble the speech of people, and it is best that the length of the Dua is equivalent...

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Dua-e-Qunoot omitted in Witr Salaah

QUESTION: If Dua-e-Qunoot was not read in Witr due to not understanding the meaning of Waajib, does the Witr Salaah have to be repeated? ANSWER: Recitation of Qunoot in Witr is Waajib according to Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahimahullah, which is the juristic view in the...

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