QUESTION: The urine of a rabbit is pure according to the view of the majority of the scholars. So is it correct to say that, if a person whose clothes or body are touched by the urine of a rabbit, performs a prayer, his prayer is valid, and his prayer is valid even if...
Pubic Hair
QUESTION: What is the ruling regarding the removal of pubic hair for males and females? How long before one becomes sinful if he has not removed the hair? What areas are necessary to remove? Is there any such thing that if not removed for a certain period, one's...
Ghusl Of A Woman With Braided Hair
QUESTION: If an African lady has braids in her hair, does she have to take out the braids to make Ghusl, or can she wash the top of the head and roots? ANSWER: If the braiding is joined to the hair (which is plaited) in such a manner that a great deal of inconvenience...
Passing Wind During Wudhu
QUESTION: While making Wudhu, one passes wind via the back passage while washing the feet. Does the entire Wudhu need to be repeated? ANSWER: Yes, one will be required to restart the Wudhu. [Re: Kitaabun Nawaazil Vol:3 Pg:117] سئلت عمن أحدث اثناء وضوئه هل يكفيه اتمامه...
Duration Of Masah On Khuffain
QUESTION: For how long can the Khuff be worn before having remove it for a fresh Wudhu when using at home and while travelling? ANSWER: One who undertakes a journey of 77 kilometres or more is categorised as a Shari’ee Musaafir and can make Masah for 72 hours. A...
Masah On Compression Socks
QUESTION: Is Masah on compression socks permissible when performing Wudhu. It's removable but with difficulty because it's tight, and at times gets damaged. ANSWER: Compression socks – or compression stockings – are specialized socks that apply gentle pressure to your...
Ma’zoor Making Masah On Khuffain
QUESTION: Can a Ma'zoor make Masah on Khuffain at the beginning of each Salaah time, or do they have to take it off? ANSWER: Regarding a Ma’zoor, there are different scenarios which we have listed below: 1. A person is Ma’zoor at the time of Wudhu and wearing socks....
A female spotting after her 40 day period during Nifaas
QUESTION: A woman during her Nifaas period for 39 days and a few hours. After her 40th day, she starts spotting. Will the Nifaas period be considered as a full 40-day term? ANSWER: If this is her first Nifaas, then the entire forty days will be considered Nifaas. If...