QUESTION: Can a Ma'zoor make Masah on Khuffain at the beginning of each Salaah time, or do they have to take it off? ANSWER: Regarding a Ma’zoor, there are different scenarios which we have listed below: 1. A person is Ma’zoor at the time of Wudhu and wearing socks....
Suffering from urine drops after relieving oneself
Question:- After urinating, when I squeeze the penis urine drops come out for about 30 mins (after urinating). This takes a long time to clear. I recently had a cystoscopy and Alhamdulilah it was clear. The Dr did not recommend medication due to heavy side effects. 1....
Masah on leather socks for a Ma’zoor
QUESTION: I am a Maz'oor sometimes. I wear leather socks. Sometimes I wear my leather socks before I make Wudhu. Sometimes I wear my leather socks after making Wudhu. Sometimes I become Ma'zoor before wearing leather socks and sometimes afterwards. Sometimes I am...
Ma’zoor due to old age
Question:- Papa is quite elderly and due to old age, he is unable to control his urine. His urine drips all the time and he wears an adult diaper that is similar to an outfit. This is changed by a trained nurse twice a day. He is unable to even make his own Wudhu and...
Ma’zoor making Wudhu as soon as the Salaah time enters
Question:- Mufti, I have been a Ma'zoor for over a year because I had a catheter attached. Recently, I went for a prostate laser removal. I still have no control over my bladder and the doctors say that it will take between three to six months to improve. The time...
Patient finding difficulty in making Wudhu
Question:- I need to find out with regards to Salaah. Firstly, due to suffering from bladder cancer, I have a drip from the penis. My dad had the same problem and was told it was acceptable for him to read his Salah in bed when he couldn't sit anymore. I can sit for a...