QUESTION: Can Zakaat be given to one's husband to pay off his debts? ANSWER: The preferred view in the Hanafi Madhab is that a wife cannot give Zakaat to her husband or vice versa, hence, you cannot assist your husband with Zakaat funds to pay off his debts. [Re:...
Handing over one’s Zakaat to institutes
Question:- I would like to know if Zakaat is considered as discharged once it is handed over to an institution that will distribute it on your behalf ? Answer:- By merely handing over your Zakaat to an institute, the Zakaat will not be discharged. You have merely...
Becoming a recipient of Zakaat due to not owning the Nisaab
QUESTION:- If a person was paying Zakaat every year for the last 5 years, but has less than the Zakaat Nisaab this year, then does he automatically become eligible to receive Zakaat? ANSWER:- Yes, if a person does not possess the Nisaab then he is eligible to receive...
Assisting a minor with a Zakaat hamper
Question:- Is it permissible to give Zakaat or Sadaqatul Fitr in the form of a grocery hamper to a minor whose parents are non-Muslim? The child lives with his parents and is supported by them. The groceries will be consumed by the Muslims and non-Muslims of the house...