
Travelling With Husband’s Nephew For Umrah

QUESTION: Can a woman in her 60's, whose husband has passed away, go for Umrah with her late husband's nephew (husband's brother's son), they will not be sharing a room and he is in his 20's? ANSWER: It is not permissible for a woman to travel more than Safr distance...

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Adopted Child Being Mahram

QUESTION: If one adopts a male child, can he be a Mahram for Hajj or Umrah? ANSWER: An adopted male child does not serve as a Mahram to his foster mother and she is therefore not permitted to travel with him. In fact, she is required to observe Purdah from the adopted...

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Travelling with one’s wife’s sister

QUESTION: Is it permissible for my wife's sisters to travel with us (me and my wife) for example, from one town to another? ANSWER: You do not serve as a Mahram to your wife’s sisters, hence it is not permissible for you to travel with them. Their Mahram should be...

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Grandparents’ siblings are Mahaarim

QUESTION: To what extent is Purdah necessary for a female towards her grandparents' brothers? ANSWER: Both your grandparents' siblings qualify as Mahrams to you. وتحرم عليه أخواته وعماته وخالاته بالنص وهو قوله عز وجل: {وأخواتكم وعماتكم وخالاتكم} [النساء: 23] سواء كن...

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Purdah from one’s nephews

Question:- 1.. Is a woman required to make Purdah from her husband's brother's son? 2. Is she required to make Purdah from her own brother's son? Answer:- 1. A woman is required to make Purdah from her husband’s brother’s sons even though she may not marry them whilst...

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Returning from Umrah without a Mahram

Question:- A lady wishes to go for Umrah. Her brother will be her Mahram. However, he will not be returning to SA but will be going for a few days to another country. Would it be permissible for her to undertake Umrah and return to SA alone if he leaves her at the...

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Marrying one’s biological sister’s milk-brother

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a girl to get married to her biological sister's milk-brother? ANSWER: We assume that your query relates to a boy and girl drinking milk from a lady besides their own parents, in other words, she is neither the boy’s mother, nor the...

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Siblings of grandparents qualifying as Mahaarim

QUESTION: Are my mother’s father’s brother and mother’s mother's brother my Mahram as well? ANSWER: Yes, both your grandparents’ siblings qualify as Mahrams to you. وتحرم عليه أخواته وعماته وخالاته بالنص وهو قوله عز وجل: {وأخواتكم وعماتكم وخالاتكم} [النساء: 23] سواء...

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