Question:- If one performs Salaah without pants, then will his Salaah and Wudhu be valid? Answer:- Although, it will be fundamentally permissible for one to perform Salaah with a long Kurta that covers the Satr (i.e. without wearing pants), but it is against...
Salaah on a chair
Question:- Is it permissible to perform Salaah whilst sitting on a chair? Answer:- It is obligatory upon a person to stand and perform Salaah if he is able to do so. If one is unable to stand due to some physical ailments or extreme pain, then he should sit on the...
Instances when Salaah can be performed without Wudhu
Question:- Are there circumstances that allow for Salaah to be performed without Wudhu? Answer:- We assume that your question pertains to performing Salaah without Wudhu and Tayammum. There are a few Masaa’il recorded in the Kitaabs of Fiqh which we have listed below:...
Salaah performed in a state of impurity
Question:- A person reaches puberty and experiences wet dreams. However, he is unaware of the fact that he is required to take Ghusl after experiencing nocturnal emission, hence he performs Salaah for several (three) years in a state of impurity. Now, he finds out...
Performing Salaah on a painted concrete floor
Question:- Is it permissible to perform Salaah on a painted, concrete floor? While making my way through an apartment/office complex, I had a spontaneous urge to offer 2 Rakaats of Salaah in gratitude for the multifarious blessings of life which Allah Ta’ala pours on...