Bowing in Karate

May 29, 2024 | Miscellaneous

Q1. What is the ruling of bowing when entering the Karate Hall? If the intention is not to bow but rather to follow the rule of the Karate master, then what is the ruling?

A1. The act of bowing down for any creation is considered Makrooh-e-Tahreemi as it resembles the actions of the fire worshippers, hence one should refrain from bowing down when entering the Karate Hall even though the Karati master may not be present. Also, by bowing down when entering the karate hall (in the absence of the Karate master), the severity of the action will leave the heart and eventually Shaytaan will make one bow down before the Karate master and Allah forbid! it could go even further.

Q2. What if a full bow does not take place, rather the student nods his head pretending to bow to impress the Karate Master to allow him to enter the hall?

A2. A slight nod will also be considered as Makrooh-e-Tahreemi. We should oppose the ways of the Kuffar and not resemble them in any way whatsoever.

Q3. What advice should be given to students attending Karate classes of this nature in which they are forced to bow?

A3. If there is a Karate class available where one is not required to bow down before the Karate master, then one should join such a class as the objective is to learn Karate. If the absence of such a class, one should learn other forms of self-defence that are free of Kufr or acts that are Makrooh in Shariah.

الانحناء للسلطان أو لغيره مكروه لأنه يشبه فعل المجوس كذا في جواهر الأخلاطي ويكره الانحناء عند التحية وبه ورد النهي كذا في التمرتاشي تجوز الخدمة لغير الله تعالى بالقيام وأخذ اليدين والانحناء (الفتاوي الهندية ج٥ص٣٦٩)

جئنا إلى الانحناء للسلطان أو لغيره، وإنه مكروه؛ لأنه تشبه بفعل المجوس (المحيط البرهاني ج٥ص٢٧٨)



Maulana Ahmed Saeed

Date: 20 Dhul Qa’dah 1445 / 29 May 2024


Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb


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