Continuously passing wind

May 26, 2022 | Salaah Of The Sick


I have an illness where I continuously pass wind to the extent that I’m unable to even perform Salaah without breaking my Wudhu. What should I do in this instance?


If you are releasing wind continuously and unable to control yourself as explained in the query, then you will be categorised as a Mazoor. You are simply required to make a fresh Wudhu for every Salaah time and perform as many Salaah as you wish in that time. The emergence of wind during that Salaah time will not invalidate your Wudhu.

You should then renew your Wudhu when the next Salaah time enters and perform as many Salaah as you wish in that time and so on and so forth.

سوال:- مجھے گیس کی تکلیف ہے ، اور ہر نماز  کے لئے  تازہ  وضوء  کرنا پڑتا ہے  ،  تقریبا ستر  فیصد   سے نوے  فیصد نمازوں میں  اخراج  ریح  کی شکایت پر گمان یا  دباو  ہوتا ہے  – چند علماء  سے مشورہ کرنے کے بعد کہ اس صورت حال میں میرا شمار  معذوروں میں ہوتا ہے  – -الخ

 الجواب :- اگر وضوء نہیں ٹھرتا تو آپ معذور ہیں    (آپ کے مسائل اور ان کا حل ص۵۷۷ ج3)



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 24 Shawwal 1443 / 26 May 2022


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