Maintaining Relations with a Murtad

May 7, 2024 | Aqeedah


A Muslim sister has renounced Islam, married a Hindu man, and has staunchly adopted the Hindu religion. Her family continues to maintain close family ties with her, to the extent of visiting her home, eating meals there, and at times, staying there overnight. There are statues of idols clearly visible in her home. She and her husband are also invited over to their homes for meals etc. Their reasoning for this is that if they maintain close family ties and show them good character, they will be attracted to the Deen and may revert to Islam. The disbelievers at the time of Nabi-e-Kareem ‎ﷺ‎ were attracted to the Deen by his noble character, so the family feel they should adopt the same approach towards the Murtad family member and her husband. Please advise, in terms of Deen, if this is the correct approach to have towards the Murtad family member? And, if not, what should the correct approach be?


It is Haraam to maintain a friendly relationship with an individual that has renounced his or her Deen. One will be sinful for maintaining a relationship with an apostate, hence the family should sincerely repent and refrain from interacting with their apostate sister. [Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Pg.438 Vol.20]

Yes, if she has any doubts regarding Islam then these doubts may be removed. If her Irtidaad (turning apostate) is not because of any doubts, but rather due to living her life with a non-Muslim husband, then the family should sever all relations with her immediately as explained above, or else they will be sinful and held accountable in the court of Allah.


ANSWERED BY:                                                         

Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb                  

Date: 26 Shawwaal 1445 / 06 May 2024                    


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