A husband gave his wife one Talaaq verbally, and after one month, two Talaaqs via a text message from his mother’s phone. The mother forced him to send the
Talaaq messages.
Q1) Does a Talaaq sent via text message fall?
A1) A message of Talaaq that is typed in the absence of one’s wife and sent to her is effective and valid.
Q2) If it falls, is it counted from his mother’s phone, although he did say he sent the message?
A2) If the husband sent the messages of Talaaq from his mother’s phone, then too it will be valid.
Q3) If you are forced to give a Talaaq, does it count?
A3) A written Talaaq (sent via sms or Whatsapp etc.) issued under such duress where one fears losing his life or a limb of his body, will not be valid. However, this was not the case with the person’s mother (that she threatened to harm or kill him), hence the Talaaq will be valid.
Q4) How do they get back together if all three Talaaqs have been issued?
A4) Since three divorces were issued in the above instance, the lady will have to serve her Iddat which is three menstrual cycles. On completion of her Iddat, she will have to marry another person with whom she will have to be intimate. If he divorces her thereafter, or predeceases her, then she will have to serve her Iddat for the second time. When this Iddat is over, then she may return to her first husband.
N.B. The Iddat of Talaaq is three menstrual cycles, and the Iddat of demise is 4 months and 10 days.
Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb
Date: 25 Dhul Qa’dah 1445 / 03 June 2024