Equality between wives

Sep 20, 2023 | Family Matters


I have a question about Financial Allowance (Pocket Money) for multiple wives. I work and stay in the USA with my wife and children. I intend to get married to a wife in Indonesia. I provide Nafaqa (maintenance) – shelter, food, clothes, etc. to my wife in the USA and I intend to do the same for my wife in Indonesia too. Apart from the maintenance, I give my wife in the USA Financial Allowance (Pocket Money) which she can spend on herself and I also intend to do that for my wife in Indonesia.

1. The cost of living in the USA as compared to Indonesia is different. For example, with US$ 200 a month, what you can buy in the USA is very less as compared to what you would be able to buy for an equivalent amount in Indonesian Rupiah. So, for maintenance, do I need to give my wife in Indonesia the exact equivalent amount in US$ that I give my first wife in USA? And if not, how do I estimate what an equivalent amount would be?

2. I also rent the house in the USA and my family stays in it. However, in Indonesia, my proposed wife stays with her parents. Do I also need to provide the estimated rent for that house too since I’m providing rent in the USA? Or that will not be necessary since she already stays in her house?


1. Yes, you are required to be equal to both wives in terms of financial allowance (pocket money). The household expenditure could differ based on the needs of each family.

وَلَنْ تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَنْ تَعْدِلُوا بَيْنَ النِّساءِ وَلَوْ حَرَصْتُمْ تمام العدل أن يسوي بينهن بالقسمة والنفقة والتعهد والنظر والإقبال، والمكالمة والمفاكهة والجماع وغيرها، وهذا كله غير مستطاع للإنسان مهما كان حريصا في تحري ذلك، ولذلك فرض الله العدل في النفقة والكسوة والمبيت، ولم يفرض فيما سوى ذلك (الأساس في التفسير ص1195 ج2)

انكم لن تستطيعوا أن تسووا بين الزوجات في المحبة القلبية لأن هذا أمر اضطراري لا اختياري فلا إثم فيه ولو حرصتم على ذلك، بل العدل في النفقة، والعطاء، بل لعل هذه الآية تبيح تعدد الزوجات وتبيح عدم التسوية بينهن في الحب

ويحرم عدم التسوية في النفقة والعطاء بين الزوجات، يقول – صلى الله عليه وسلم – : (من كانت له امرأتان فلم يعدل بينهما جاء يوم القيامة وشقه مائل) (2) . (موسوعة الكتيبات الإسلامية ص554 ج7)

2. If her parents accommodate you free of charge, then the arrangement is in order. You will not be required to pay rental.



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date:- 02 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445 / 18 September 2023



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