A lady is flying to the US with her husband’s family and at immigration, she has always met with female officers. For precaution, they always head to the border 3-4 hours ahead of time. However, some learned family members are saying that it is not necessary to be seen by a female because it Is Jaaiz to show her face to a male for a short duration when necessary. Based on this, all the females of the family will no longer be requesting a female officer. Her husband is supportive of whatever she feels comfortable with. She requests a Shari ruling for the above.
Every Muslim female that has reached puberty is required to don the veil. This is mentioned in Verse 59, Surah 33. The compulsion of Purdah/Hijaab is proven directly from the Quraan Sharif. Allah Ta’ala states, “And when you ask the wives of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam for anything, then ask them from behind a curtain (without seeing them)”– [Surah Ahzaab; verse 53; Surah 33.]
This is the verse of Hijaab which was revealed in the 5th year of Hijri in the month of Dhul Qa’dah. This verse indicates that all the limbs of the body should be totally covered, which includes the face and palms. [Re:- Adillatul Hijaab Pg.251]
Fataawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya states that if Purdah was not necessary, then what was the need to command the Sahaabah to ask the wives of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam from behind a veil? There wouldn’t have been any harm in appearing before them and asking directly, thus the above verse is a clear indication of Purdah being necessary.
In verse 59 of Surah Ahzaab, Allah Ta’ala states, “O Nabi! Tell your wives, your daughters and the women of the Mumineen (that when they leave their home due to necessity) they should draw down their ‘Jilbaab’ over themselves.”
Under this verse, Ibn Katheer Rahimahullah has written quoting several Sahaabah and Ta’bieen that Allah Ta’ala has commanded the women of the believers, if they leave their home due to some necessity, to cover their faces from above their heads with a Jilbaab in such a manner that they expose only one eye. [Ibn Katheer pg.569 Vol.3]
Imaam Abdur Razzaq Rahimahullah narrated from Umme Salmah Radiallahu Anha that after the revelation of this verse, they used to lower their Jilbaab over themselves, that is, the ladies of the Ansaar used to come out of their homes and walk with such dignity as if there were crows sitting on their heads (which would fly away if they walked any faster) and, they used to cover themselves with big black cloaks. (Ruhul Ma’ani Pg.89 Vol.2)
This brings us to the conclusion that Purdah is necessary and, in fact, a direct injunction of the Quraan Sharif. We hope that the above discussion suffices in explaining the compulsion of Purdah whether it is before the immigration officials or anyone else. It is therefore necessary to request a female official to attend to females, particularly when the facility is available. Exposing one’s face before a Ghair-Mahram male without a valid Shari’ee reason is not acceptable. The scholars have erred by stating that exposing the face for a short while before a Ghair-Mahram is acceptable. In fact, they will be sinful for making so many females expose their faces before male officials.
وهي الملحفة التي تشتمل بها المراة أي يرخين بعضها علي الوجوه اذا خرجن لحاجتهن الا عينا واحدة (جمالين في شرح جلالين ص169 ج5)
حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمْ أُمَّهَاتُكُمْ ….وَرَبَائِبُكُمُ اللاَّتِي فِي حُجُورِكُم مِّن نِّسَآئِكُمُ اللاَّتِي دَخَلْتُم بِهِنَّ ….
Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb
Date: 27 Shawwaal 1445 / 07 May 2024