Attire of daughter-in-law at the home of her in-laws

May 20, 2022 | Appearance And Attire, Purdah


What is the correct attire for the daughter-in-law at her in-law’s house?

Kindly explain in detail. Which parts of her body can be exposed and which parts cannot be exposed?

What will be the ruling nowadays where Fitnah is unbound and uncurbed?


A male is permitted to look at the following parts of a female who is Mahram to him: her face, head, chest, shin and arms. He is not permitted to look at her back, stomach and thighs.

However, when there is a strong fear of Fitnah (such as in this day and age) then one shouldn’t even look at a Mahram female, nor touch her, nor be in seclusion with her. Due to easy and free interaction with daughter-in-laws in the home, and many of them not dressing appropriately, many father-in-laws have been caught up in sin. The same has occured between mother-in-laws and son-in-laws. We, therefore, advise that both males and females exercise caution at all times. The daughter-in-law should therefore cover herself completely before her father-in-law and suffice on leaving only her face and palms open as a precautionary measure. Similarly, mother-in-laws should adopt the same code of dress before their son-in-laws.

ولا بأس بالخلوة معها» لقوله – عليه الصلاة والسلام – «لا يخلون رجل بامرأة ليس منها سبيل فإن ثالثهما الشيطان» والمراد إذا لم تكن محرما؛ لأن المحرم بسبيل منها إلا إذا خاف على نفسه أو عليها الشهوة فحينئذ لا يمسها ولا ينظر إليها ولا يخلو بها لقوله – عليه الصلاة والسلام – «العينان يزنيان وزناهما النظر واليدان يزنيان وزناهما البطش والرجلان يزنيان وزناهما المشي والفرج يصدق ذلك أو يكذبه» فكان في كل واحد منها زنا والزنا محرم بجميع أنواعه وحرمة الزنا بالمحارم أشد، وأغلظ فيجتنب الكل (البحر الرائق ص356 ج8)



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 18 Shawwal 1443 / 20 May 2022



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