Buying a Qurbani animal on credit

Jun 16, 2022 | Qurbani/Hunting


A person doesn’t have sufficient funds to purchase a cow for Qurbani. The farmer tells him that he can pay for the cow in monthly installments. On  the day of Eid, the purchase price of the cow will not be paid in full. Will this be acceptable?


Qurbani is Waajib upon every free person, who is a Muslim, Muqeem (resident) during the days of Qurbani and owns the Nisaab. If one doesn’t possess the Nisaab, then Qurbani will not be Waajib upon him.

In light of the above, the Shariah has looked at the financial position of a person and accordingly, makes Qurbani obligatory upon him or her. Therefore, there is no need for one to incur a debt in fulfilling the obligation of Qurbani. If one owns the Nisaab, then he should simply purchase the animal (for cash) and fulfil his Qurbani. A goat or sheep could be purchased, and the Qurbani carried out if one doesn’t have sufficient funds to purchase a cow or a share in a cow.

Notwithstanding the above, if one purchased a cow from the farmer on fixed monthly terms as required in Shariah, and took possession of the animal, then the animal will belong to the purchaser. If he now slaughters the cow for Qurbani, then his Qurbani will be valid. However, our advice would be, that one purchases the animal for cash and carries out the Qurbani, instead of purchasing the animal on credit.



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 15 Dhul Qa’dah 1443 / 16 June 2022




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