A lady completed Umrah and when returning to her hotel she forgot to trim a portion of her hair. The realization came about after a month when she was back home. What is the ruling regarding this? A young child assisted an elderly person in Tawaaf and Sa’ee by pushing them in a wheelchair during Tawaaf and Sa’ee. Is his Tawaaf and Sa’ee valid?
The Fuqaha have written that if a person does not shave or trim his or her hair after Umrah, then he or she will remain in a state of Ihraam, and all the prohibitions of Ihraam will be applicable to the extent that if one has relations with one’s spouse or commits any other prohibitions of Ihraam, then Damm will be necessary. The lady in question may trim her hair wherever she may be to come out of Ihraam, but she will be required to give Damm for not trimming her hair within the confines of the Haram. The Damm must be discharged within the confines of the Haram.
يختص حلق الحاج بالزمان والمكان وحلق المعتمر بالمكان..اما الزمان في حلق المعتمر فلايتوقف بالاجماع … والمكان الحرم اى للحج والعمرة والتخصيص اى في التوقيف للتضمين اى بالدم لا للتحليل فلو حلق او قصر فى غير ما توقت به لزمه الدم ولكن يحصل به التحلل فى اى مکان و زمان اتی به بعد دخول وقته ای اوان تحلله. ) ارشاد الساری: ص: 154)
جب تک بال نہ کاٹے جائیں، آدمی احرام میں رہتا ہے، اس کے لئے وہ تمام چیزیں ممنوع رہتی ہیں جو احرام میں ممنوع ہیں، اور میاں بیوی کا آپس میں ملنا بھی جائز نہیں۔ اگر اس دوران آپ لوگوں نے وظیفہ زوجیت ادا کیا، یا دوسری چیزیں کیں جو احرام میں ممنوع ہیں، تو آپ کے ذمے دم لازم آیا۔) آپ کے مسائل اور ان کا حل 5/382)
If a child has reached the age of understanding, donned the Ihraam, and read the Talbiya, then his Tawaaf and Sae’ee will be valid. However, if the child did not reach the age of understanding and his guardian tied his Ihraam, then too, his Tawaaf and Sa’ee will be valid. [Re:-Umdatul Manasik Pg. 247]
Maulana Abdul Kader Fazlani
Date: 20 Shawwal 1445 / 30 April 2024
Mufti Mohammed Desai