Deriving benefit from the Masjid borehole

Jun 2, 2022 | Waqf


A person living next to the Masjid wants to make Waqf of a borehole to the Masjid, with the condition that the pipeline supplies water to his home (for his personal use) as well.

Is it correct for him to attach such a condition, since the borehole will be dug on the Masjid property?


The ownership of a person ceases by merely stating that one has made Waqf of his property, according to Imaam Yusuf Rahimhullah. The Fatwa is also issued on this view of Imaam Yusuf Rahimahullah.

According to Imaam Muhammad Rahimahullah, when the people will drink water from the well or borehole, then the donor’s ownership will cease.

وَعِنْدَ أَبِي يُوسُفَ يَزُولُ مِلْكُهُ بِالْقَوْلِ كَمَا هُوَ أَصْلُهُ، إذْ التَّسْلِيمُ عِنْدَهُ لَيْسَ بِشَرْطٍ وَالْوَقْفُ لَازِمٌ.

وَعِنْدَ مُحَمَّدٍ إذَا اسْتَقَى النَّاسُ مِنْ السِّقَايَةِ وَسَكَنُوا الْخَانَ وَالرِّبَاطَ وَدُفِنُوا فِي الْمَقْبَرَةِ زَالَ الْمِلْكُ؛ لِأَنَّ التَّسْلِيمَ عِنْدَهُ شَرْطٌ وَالشَّرْطُ تَسْلِيمُ نَوْعِهِ، وَذَلِكَ بِمَا ذَكَرْنَاهُ. وَيُكْتَفَى بِالْوَاحِدِ لِتَعَذُّرِ فِعْلِ الْجِنْسِ كُلِّهِ، وَعَلَى هَذَا الْبِئْرُ الْمَوْقُوفَةُ وَالْحَوْضُ (العناية ص238 ج6)

Therefore, by making Waqf of the borehole to the Masjid, it will belong to the Masjid by the donor stating that it is Waqf for the Masjid. However, the Waaqif reserves the right of stipulating the beneficiaries of the Waqf, even though the borehole may be dug on the Masjid premises. It is stated in Durr-e-Mukhtaar:

وعندهما هو حبسها على حكم ملك الله تعالى وصرف منفعتها على من أحب ولو غنيا فيلزم، فلا يجوز له إبطاله ولا يورث عنه، وعليه الفتوى (الدر المختار – كتاب الوقف)

According to Saahibain, it is withholding of the actual item (of Waqf) upon the ownership of Allah Ta’ala and spending or directing the benefits upon whomsoever the donor wishes, even though the (beneficiary) may be wealthy………and the Fatwa is on this view.

The donor may therefore stipulate himself, the people of the locality and the Masjid, as beneficiaries of the borehole. In other words, the water can be used for the benefit of the Masjid, and it may be used by the donor himself, as well as the people of the locality, if they require water.

However, if the Masjid is bearing the expense of running the electrical pumps or motors (for the borehole), then the donor should pay the electricity bill according to the amount being utilized by him, since he is continuously deriving water for his household from the Masjid borehole. Also, it is necessary for the donor (of the borehole) to acquire consent from the trustees or the Waaqif (of the Masjid) to have the borehole dug on the Masjid premises.

اگر واقف نے شرط لگائی  کہ موقوفہ اشیاء کا نفع فلاں شخص کو اس کی زندگی بھر ملتا رہیگا  ، یا  زندگی بھر وہ خود اس سے نفع اٹھائےگا تو اسے اسکا  حق حاصل ہوگا ۔ قاموس الفقہ ص۳۰۱  ج۵

ہاں اگر مسجد کی رقم سے الگ انفرادی یا اجتماعی طور پر ٹھڈے یا گرم پانی کا انتظام کیا جاتا ہے ، اسے صراحة  یا عرفا  سب اہل محلہ کو استعمال کی اجازت دی جاتی ہے ، تو محلہ والے  بھی اسے استعمال کرنے کے مجاز ہیں  (کتاب النوازل ص۴۴۸ ج۱۳)  

The alternative would be to have the borehole dug on one’s own property, and in this manner, one would maintain ownership of the borehole. Whilst the owner benefits from the water, he may allow the Masjid unrestricted usage of the water as well. For this purpose, pipes may be connected directly from the borehole to the Masjid. In this case, there is no question of utilizing Masjid electricity, as one will be paying the bill himself. Also, by doing so, one will also be protected from any further complications or issues that could possibly arise. This option is advisable.



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 01 Dhul Qa’dah 1443 / 02 June 2022



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