Emigrating to a safer country

Jun 6, 2022 | Miscellaneous


Kindly advise on the permissibility of moving to another country due to crime, economic conditions and the overall collapsing of one’s country?

We are considering moving to Turkey. Is it permissible or encouraged to make such a move?

Overall, is migration for the above-mentioned reasons recommended or encouraged?


Imaam Qurtubi Rahimahullah has provided some details in regards to migrating from one country to another. Quoting Ibn Al Arabi Rahimahullah, Allamah Qurtubi Rahimahullah states that Hijrah is of six types:

  1. Migrating from Darul Kufr to Darul Islam. This kind of journey was obligatory (Fardh) during the era of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and it shall remain obligatory, subject to one’s capability and ability until the day of Qiyaamah, particularly when one’s life, property and honour is in danger, and it is not possible to fulfil one’s religious obligations such as the Faraaidh of Deen.

  1. To get out of Darul ul Bid’ah (a place that is overtaken by deviation).

  1. To get out of a place that is overtaken by Haraam. This is because the quest for Halaal is obligatory (Fardh) on every Muslim.

  1. To make Hijrah in order to avoid being subjected to physical pain. This type of a journey is permissible; in fact, it is a blessing from Allah Ta’ala that one is permitted to leave a place of danger, or where there is a danger of being physically hurt by enemies. This fourth type of journey was first undertaken by Hadrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salaam. It was to seek deliverance from the pain inflicted on him by his people. When he left Iraq for Syria he said, “I am migrating to my Rabb.” After him, Hadrat Moosa Alaihis Salaam made a similar journey from Eygpt to Madyan.

  1. To move to another country due to an unsuitable climate.

  1. To make Hijrah in order to secure one’s personal property and possessions. When one fears being robbed and attacked by thieves, then he should move away from such an area. It is permitted in Shariah to do so, as one’s wealth and property is considered sacred, just as one’s life is considered sacred in Shariah.

In conclusion, it is permissible for one to migrate to another country due to fear of crime. As for the collapsing of a country, this is truly in the Hands of Allah Ta’ala. There isn’t any guarantee that the economy of any country is 100% stable. We have seen the downfall of many countries in the recent past such as Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan etc. whereas these were stable and thriving countries at one time. Our Rizq has been predestined and we will certainly receive what is written for us, irrespective of where we are, hence, our trust should be purely on Allah Ta’ala. Yes, if your migration to Turkey is due to security reasons, then it is permitted in Shariah, as understood from the text of Ibn Arabi Rahimahullah.

Re:- Ma’ariful Quraan of Mufti Muhammad Shafi Saheb R.A. – Surah Nahl Page. 352 – 355 English edition



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 05 Dhul Qa’dah 1443 / 06 June 2022



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