1. If a lady has an internal or papsmear, should she perform Ghusl?
2. A lady who is past the menopause state, has a procedure done in hospital. She experiences some bleeding for 2 days or so. Will this be Haidh or Istihaadha?
3. A lady has been previously in a very traumatic marriage. She lived with a man who physically abused her, was addicted to drugs etc. and she was the breadwinner. She divorces this man and remarries another man. They have been married now for two years.
1. If a lady has an internal examination carried out, then Ghusl will not be obligatory upon her in the Hanafi Madhab. However, by entering the finger into the internal portion of the vagina, Wudhu will be invalidated, hence Wudhu should be renewed after having an internal conducted. You should consult a Shaafi’ee Mufti in regards to the Shafi’ee Madhab.
شرمگاہ میں انگلي داخل کر کے نکالنے سے وضوء گيا
سوال : زيد نے اپنی زوجہ کي شرمگاہ میں مع کپڑے يا بغير کپڑے کے انگلي داخل کي تو زوجہ کا وضوء ٹوٹا يا نہيں؟ بينوا توجروا.
الجواب : وضوء ٹوٹ گيا خواہ انگلي پر کپڑا ہو يا نہ ہو. اس لۓ کہ جب انگلي نکلے گي تو اس پر نجاست ضرور لگي ہوگي اور خروج نجاست ناقض وضوء ہے . البتہ اگر انگلي فرج داخل يعني گول سوراخ کے اندر نہيں گئ ہو تو وضوء نہيں گيا. فقط واللہ تعالی اعلم.( احسن الفتاوی 2/20)
ایک عورت دوسری عورت کے جسم میں دوا پہنچانے یا کوئی اندرونی خرابی دیکھنے کو ہاتھ یا انگلی کرے یا خواہ مخواہ ہی کردے تو غسل واجب ہوگا یا نہیں ؟
اس میں غسل واجب نہیں ہے. (فتاوی دار العلوم دیوبند 1/130)
2. Generally, a woman does not experience menstrual bleeding after the age of menopause, which is estimated to be the age of fifty-five. However, if she notices red or black blood after a complete 15-day clean period or more (during the menopause period), then it will be considered as Haidh. If the blood is yellow, green, or muddy colour, then it will not be Haidh if she never experienced this colour bleeding during her previous cycles. If she noticed this colour bleeding during her previous cycles, then this bleeding will also be considered as Haidh. In conclusion, if the colour of the blood is different to her previous (colour of) bleeding, then it will not be Haidh but Istihaadah. You should consult a Shaafi’ee Mufti regarding the ruling on the Shaafi’ee Madhab.
وقيل: يحد بخمسين سنة وعليه المعول) والفتوى في زماننا مجتبى وغيره (تيسيرا) وحده في العدة بخمس وخمسين. قال في الضياء: وعليه الاعتماد (وما رأته بعدها) أي: المدة المذكورة (فليس بحيض في ظاهر المذهب) إلا إذا كان دما خالصا فحيض…. وقيدوه بأن يكون أحمر أو أسود، فلو أصفر أو أخضر أو تربية لا يكون حيضا…. منهم من لم يتصرف فيه فقال: إذا رأته على العادة الجارية وهو يفيد أنها إذا كانت عادتها قبل الإياس أصفر فرأته كذلك أو علقا فرأته كذلك كان حيضا ( الدر المختار و حاشية ابن عابدين 1/304)
3. Firstly, the divorce issued by the female will not be effective, as a female does not have the authority to issue a divorce in Islam. This means that her previous marriage is still intact (as she divorced her husband and not vice versa). She is now living in sin with the current person for the past two years, even though a formal Nikah may have been conducted between them. She should separate from him immediately and repent for the past. She cannot re-marry unless her previous husband divorces her.
Maulana Abdul Kader Fazlani
Date: – 27 Safar 1444 / 13 September 2023
Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb