Obeying the husband in all permissible matters

May 26, 2022 | Family Matters


A lady has a mental problem which occurs for a few days every year. She speaks excessively and fights with the husband. The doctor prescribed medication which she should drink daily, even if she is well. The wife refuses to drink the medication because it makes her sleepy the entire day. Is the husband permitted to force her to drink her medication?

Note: In Shaami there is an Ibaarat which states that it is Waajib on the wife to obey the husband in all permissible matters, and in Nihaaya it states that the Wujoob (compulsion) of obedience refers to matters which concerns Nikah and associated matters.


It is the right of the husband that the wife obeys him in every permissible act which he commands her to carry out, and in fact it is Waajib for her to obey him if he commands her to carry out an action.

وحقه عليها أن تطيعه في كل مباح يأمرها به، (الدر المختار)

(قوله في كل مباح) ظاهره أنه عند الأمر به منه يكون واجبا عليها كأمر السلطان الرعية به (رد المحتار ص208 ج3)

Allama Kasaani Rahimahullah states in Badaa’i-us-Sanaa’i, “It is Waajib for the wife to obey the husband when he calls her to bed, and it is obligatory upon her to obey him in regards to herself and she should protect (his belongings) in his absence,”.

ومنها، وجوب طاعة الزوج على الزوجة إذا دعاها إلى الفراش — قيل: لها المهر والنفقة، وعليها أن تطيعه في نفسها، وتحفظ غيبته (بدائع الصنائع ص613 ج3)

Hadrat Anas Radiallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “When a woman performs her five daily Salaah, fasts in the month of Ramadaan, protects her chastity and obeys her husband, then she may enter from whichever door of Jannah she desires.” [Re:- Mishkaat-ul-Masaabih Pg.281 Vol.2]

عن انس قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم المرأة إذا صلت خمسها وصامت شهرها وأحصنت فرجها واطاعت بعلها فليدخل من اىّ أبواب الجنة شاءت رواه ابو نعيم فى الحلية 

Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Listening (to one’s husband) and obeying him is obligatory upon a Muslim woman in those things which he likes and dislikes, as long as he does not command her to carry out any act of disobedience (sin). If he commands her to carry out any act of disobedience, then he will not be heard nor obeyed.” [Re:- Tirmidhi Pg.300 Vol.1]

عن ابن عمر قال قال رسول الله صلّي الله عليه وسلّم السمع والطاعة علي المراة المسلم فيما احب وكره مالم يومر بمعصية  فان امر بمعصية فلا سمع عليه ولا طاعة (جامع الترمذي)

Hadrat Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “If I had commanded anyone to make Sajdah to anyone (other than Allah Ta’ala), then I would have commanded the woman to make Sajdah to her husband.”  [Re:- Tirmidhi Pg.219 Vol.1]

عن أبي هريرة، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لو كنت آمراً أحداً أن يسجد لأحد لأمرت المرأة أن تسجد لزوجها (جامع الترمذي – باب ما جاء في حق الزوج علي المراة)


From the above narrations and texts of the Fuqaha, it is quite clear that it is obligatory upon the wife to obey her husband. There is no contradiction, as a wife is required to obey her husband in matters pertaining to Nikah and other permissible matters as well, as long as the husband doesn’t command her to carry out any act of disobedience. This can be understood from the textual references and Ahadith quoted above. In conclusion, if the husband commands the wife to take the medication (which is purely for her benefit), then she should obey him as there is no prohibition from taking treatment in terms of Shariah (rather it is Sunnah) and it is in accordance to the doctor’s prescription.

You may also refer to the following Fataawa Kitaabs;

  1. Kifaayatul Mufti Pg.404 Vol.12

  2. Kitaabun Nawaazil Pg.154 Vol.15



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 24 Shawwal 1443 / 26 May 2022



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