What is the ruling with regard to having a loud Majlis of Dhikr? Is it in accordance to the Sunnah?
Majority of the laws of Fiqh are generally extracted from the Quraan and Ahadith. This great task of extracting the laws of Deen from the Quraan and Ahadith and presenting it to us, was carried out by the Aimmah–e-Mujtahideen and the great Fuqaha. May Allah Ta’ala be pleased with them and reward them all abundantly. Had it not been for these individuals, then perhaps performing two Rakaats correctly and in accordance to the Sunnah, would have proven to be a challenge for us.
These scholars would not reach a conclusion in any matter by merely coming across a single Hadith of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam, or a verse of the Quraan Sharif, but only after studying the various narrations on that particular subject matter would they reach conclusion. The rulings of the Hanafi Madhab in particular, would not be documented as ‘law’ in the books of jurisprudence until scrutinized thoroughly by forty Muftis. When approved by these senior Mufti’s, only then was it regarded as ‘law’ and entered into the books of Fiqh. It is for this reason that we, as Muqallids, place our reliance and confidence in the Imaams of Fiqh and, in fact, follow them blindly without requesting them to present their proofs, although the proofs are readily available for our perusal.
Now, after understanding the position of Fiqh and the position of the Hanafi Madhab, we will quote the ruling of the Hanafi Fuqaha with regard to loud Zikr in congregation in the Masajid, which should suffice as ample proof for us.
Allama Shami Rahimahullah states, The scholars are unanimous that the gatherings of Zikr are desirable in the Masjid and elsewhere, on condition that it does not disturb anyone sleeping, or performing Salaah, or reciting the Quraan-e-Kareem etc. Thus, if these conditions are found, Zikrullah in the Masjid will be permitted without any form of abhorrence. (This obviously refers to loud congregational Zikr because silent Zikr carried out individually, will not be a disturbance to others)
It must not be done for Riyaa (show).
It must not be too loud. Making Zikrullah very loudly is against the etiquettes of Zikr. Allah Ta’ala mentions in the Quraan,
“دون الجهر من القول”
“(Make Zikr of your Rabb) in a manner that is not very loud.”
Zikrullah should not be done collectively in one voice (i.e. in a chorus form). Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Saheb Gangohi Rahimahullah has written that Zikrullah should be made individually even when sitting collectively in a Zikr Majlis. (Re:- Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah pg.102 vol.15)