Permissibility of Loud Zikr

Jul 12, 2022 | Tabligh / Tazkiya


What is the ruling with regard to having a loud Majlis of Dhikr? Is it in accordance to the Sunnah?


Majority of the laws of Fiqh are generally extracted from the Quraan and Ahadith. This great task of extracting the laws of Deen from the Quraan and Ahadith and presenting it to us, was carried out by the Aimmah–e-Mujtahideen and the great Fuqaha. May Allah Ta’ala be pleased with them and reward them all abundantly. Had it not been for these individuals, then perhaps performing two Rakaats correctly and in accordance to the Sunnah, would have proven to be a challenge for us.

These scholars would not reach a conclusion in any matter by merely coming across a single Hadith of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam, or a verse of the Quraan Sharif, but only after studying the various narrations on that particular subject matter would they reach conclusion. The rulings of the Hanafi Madhab in particular, would not be documented as ‘law’ in the books of jurisprudence until scrutinized thoroughly by forty Muftis. When approved by these senior Mufti’s, only then was it regarded as ‘law’ and entered into the books of Fiqh. It is for this reason that we, as Muqallids, place our reliance and confidence in the Imaams of Fiqh and, in fact, follow them blindly without requesting them to present their proofs, although the proofs are readily available for our perusal.

Now, after understanding the position of Fiqh and the position of the Hanafi Madhab, we will quote the ruling of the Hanafi Fuqaha with regard to loud Zikr in congregation in the Masajid, which should suffice as ample proof for us.

  1. Allama Shami Rahimahullah states, The scholars are unanimous that the gatherings of Zikr are desirable in the Masjid and elsewhere, on condition that it does not disturb anyone sleeping, or performing Salaah, or reciting the Quraan-e-Kareem etc. Thus, if these conditions are found,  Zikrullah in the Masjid will be permitted without any form of abhorrence. (This obviously refers to loud congregational Zikr because silent Zikr carried out individually, will not be a disturbance to others)

  1. It must not be done for Riyaa (show).

  1. It must not be too loud. Making Zikrullah very loudly is against the etiquettes of Zikr. Allah Ta’ala mentions in the Quraan,

“دون الجهر من القول”

“(Make Zikr of your Rabb) in a manner that is not very loud.”

  1. Zikrullah should not be done collectively in one voice (i.e. in a chorus form). Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Saheb Gangohi Rahimahullah has written that Zikrullah should be made individually even when sitting collectively in a Zikr Majlis. (Re:- Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah pg.102 vol.15)

Allama Khair-ud-Deen Ramali Rahimahullah writes in Fataawa Khairiyya, that Sheikh Ibrahim Rahimahullah from Damascus questioned him with regards to the practice of the Sufi’s making circles of loud Zikr in the Musjid. Some people regard this old age practice of the Sufis as illegal, is this true?

Allama Ramali Rahimahullah responded, “The circles of Zikrullah and loud Zikr are both established from many Ahadith recorded in Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasaee, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, hence, loud Zikr will be considered as permissible.” (Re:- Fataawa Khairiya – Extracted from Darul ifta archives).

Mufti Muhammad Shafi Saheb Rahimahullah, the grand Mufti of Pakistan, has written in his famous Tafseer Ma’ariful Quraan that, silent Zikr is superior to loud Zikr. He further states that the Mashaaikh of the Chistia Silsila engage their followers who have newly entered the Silsila, in loud Zikr as a means of treatment, as loud Zikr is effective in removing negligence and laziness, and the heart is ultimately connected to Zikrullah. Thereafter, Hadrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah goes on to state that loud Zikr is not a requirement according to the Chistia, but loud Zikr is permissible, and its permissibility is proven from the Ahadith of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam. He states that  loud Zikr is permissible only with the proviso that it is free of ostentation. [Re: Ma’ariful Quraan pg.578/578 vol. 3] From the above we understand that loud Zikr is totally permissible, although silent Zikr is superior.

When a person raises his voice, it indicates that one does not respect and revere the one that is being addressed. We generally lower our voices before an individual that is respected and honoured. It is for this reason that when engaging in Zikrullah and Tilaawat of the Quraan Sharif, we should not raise our voices more than is required.  In conclusion, there are three forms of Zikrullah according to Ma’ariful Quraan: Zikr in the heart without moving the tongue, Zikr of the heart which includes movement of the tongue and is so soft that the person next to one is unable to hear, and finally Zikr with concentration and presence of the heart which includes movement of the tongue and the voice is also audible (whereby others are able to hear).However, the volume of the voice should be kept in control in the sense that the voice shouldn’t be too loud. [Re:- Ma’ariful Quraan Pg.166-167 vol.4]

In certain portions of the 22nd and 23rd Juz of the Quraan, Allah Ta’ala mentions how the mountains and birds would join Dawud Alaihis Salaam in the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala. An objection is raised at this juncture by some scholars who ask, how the Zikr of the mountains and birds would benefit Dawud Alaihis Salaam? Hadrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahimahullah has written that with the Tasbeeh (of the birds and mountains) a special feeling of Zikr is created, as a result of which one is able to perform his Ibaadat with vigor and enthusiasm. Hadrat further writes that, another benefit of congregational Zikr is that the blessings of Zikr reflect on each other. [Re:-Jamaalain- commentary of Jalaalain- Pg.354 Vol.5] This again is a proof of congregational Zikr in an audible tone being sanctioned by our Akaabireen, and proven directly from the Quraan Sharif.



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 12 Dhul Hijjah 1443 / 12 July 2022


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