Posting pictures of deceased on social media

Apr 16, 2022 | Posters


I need to know what’s the ruling on those who post pictures of their deceased family members on social media in loving memory of them?


Firstly, it is not permissible for one to take pictures. The Hadith states that the worst form of punishment will be meted out on the Day of Qiyaamah to one that takes pictures. It is recorded in another narration that the picture-makers or photographers will be told to give life to what they have created, and they will be helpless from inserting life into the picture.

If we have any pictures of the deceased, we should get rid of it immediately. By us keeping their pictures and showing them to friends and family, we are actually advertising the sins of the deceased, as we are showing people that the deceased were in the habit of taking pictures, which is Haraam and prohibited in Shariah. We are taught in the Hadith to conceal the faults of our Muslim brothers. Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Whoever conceals the fault of his Muslim brother, Allah will conceal his faults on the day of Qiyaamah.”

In this instance, together with exposing the sins of the deceased, we are expressing our happiness upon an impermissible act, by displaying and showing their pictures to others. Thus, we are engaging in a number of impermissible practices.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, we have gone one step further by posting these pictures on public platforms, hence becoming the means of thousands of people engaging in sin by looking at the picture of the deceased on social media, whereas posting pictures of animate objects is prohibited in Shariah, whether it is in the form of an animal or human, living or deceased. We should remember that we will be questioned in the court of Allah for perpetrating such actions.

Yes, we should remember the deceased by continuously making Dua for them, doing acts of Isaal-e-Thawaab and passing over the rewards to them. People that view these pictures on social media platforms, do so for mere entertainment and pleasure. There is absolutely nothing beyond that. They wouldn’t even recite a single Durood or some portion of the Quraan and pass the rewards over to the deceased. Actually, we are supposed to have been benefitting them with our good deeds and actions.

In conclusion, we should make Taubah for engaging in such practices and reform our ways by destroying and deleting all pictures (of animate objects) in our possession. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the understanding in these matters. Ameen!

[i] سوشل میڈیا ایپس کی آئی ڈی/آئکن پر تصویر لگانا
مسئلہ(۱۸۸): آج کل انٹرنیٹ پر چلنے والے ایپس مثلاً؛ فیس بوک، وہاٹس ایپ، ٹیلی گرام ، ٹویٹر وغیرہ پر ، آئکن یا آئی ڈی ہوتی ہے، جس میں جان دار،و غیر جان دار کی تصاویر رکھی جاسکتی ہیں، لیکن بہت سے مسلمان اس پر اپنی ذاتی، یا اپنے بچوں کی، یا گھر والوں میں سے کسی کی، یا پھر اپنے چاہنے والوں میں سے کسی کی تصویر فیڈ کرتے(لگاتے) ہیں، کہ جب سامنے والے کو میسیج جاتا ہے، تو مُرسِل یعنی بھیجنے والے کی تصویر بھی ساتھ میں نظر آتی ہے، یا ہم کسی سے رابطہ کرتے ہیں، تو وہ پہچان جاتا ہے، کہ فلاں صاحب ہیں، تو اس طرح آئی ڈی /آئکن پر اپنی یا کسی اور جان دار کی تصویر فیڈ کرنا(لگانا)، درست نہیں ہے(۱)، خاص کر بچوں کی تصاویر کہ اس سے بچوں کو نظر بد کا بھی اندیشہ ہوتا ہے(۲)، اس لیے مسلمانوں کو اس سے احتیاط کرنا چاہیے۔ا لمسائل المہمة فیما ابتلت بہ العامة ۔ اہم مسائل جن میں ابتلائے عام ہے ص ٢٦٣   ج ١١ط: مکتبہ السلام جامعہ اکل کوا ضلع نندوہار مہاراشٹر انڈیا

الجواب وباللّٰہ التوفیق: انٹرنیٹ پر تصویر بھیجنا جائز نہیں، اگر کوئی بھیجے گا تو گنہگار ہوگا۔ ص ٥٠٥ ج١٦ كتاب النوازل ط: دار الاشاعت



Mufti Mohsin Khan

Date:- 14 Ramadaan 1443 / 16 April 2022



Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb



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