What is the Darul Ifta’s opinion on celebrating Teacher’s Day?
The concept of Teacher’s Day was never heard of in the past; hence this is a new concept that is foreign to us. Yes, we do understand that things are changing rapidly in the world and deteriorating daily, so we assume that one of the objectives of Teacher’s Day is to improve the relationship between teachers and students.
Teachers should understand that the position afforded to them is an Amaanat and they should try to discharge this Amaanat in the best possible manner as they will be answerable in the court of Allah Ta’ala. If the concept of accountability is before them, they will ensure that their tasks are fulfilled in a satisfactory manner. At the same time, students should dedicate themselves and display utmost respect to their teachers. If respect and dedication is not found, then there is no hope of prospering. The principal and teachers should have full authority to discipline students within the limits of Shariah if they are disrespectful. Similarly, any device that interferes with the student’s dedication should be confiscated. Most importantly, the teachers should always make Dua for the progress of their students. If these aspects are kept in mind, there is hope that some results can be achieved.
N.B. If Teacher’s Day is celebrated in honour of some personality, then we do not approve of it. Yes, if it is to appreciate the dedication of teachers, then it is in order as Shariah teaches us to appreciate and be grateful to those that have showered their kindness upon us. In fact, one should always be appreciative to his benefactors and make Dua for them.
Mufti Mohammed Desai
Date:- 19 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445 / 05 October 2023