
Jun 3, 2024 | Miscellaneous


With regards to voting in Presidential elections, what is the best option for us as Muslims? In the event of there being no morally, upright candidate seeking office, be he Muslim or non-Muslim, would it be better to abstain from voting at all, or, to vote for the candidate of lesser evil between the lot to avoid the most corrupt candidate winning office?


Instead of worrying about who we should be voting for, we should be concerned about correcting ourselves and the condition of fellow Muslims so that good conditions prevail. Your discussion is based on human logic and understanding which is in order, but the decision of Allah Ta’ala is above everything.  The Hadith states, “Whoever corrects his matter with his Rabb, then Allah will correct the matter between him and the creation” hence this should be our concern.

What if we vote for the ‘smaller devil’ in our understanding but he becomes the greatest oppressor? What we considered as a better option turned out to be the worst! This means that we cannot rely on any human; rather we should place our trust on Allah Ta’ala and please Him. He in turn will take care of our affairs. If an oppressive ruler is appointed (as it is the decision of Almighty Allah) and we exercise patience in matters of Deen then we will be rewarded for remaining steadfast on our Deen. The Hadith states that the Ambiya are subjected to the severest of tests, then those similar to them, and then those similar to them. The Quraan Sharif states, “Do you think that you will enter Jannah whereas there has not yet come to you the like of the people before you. Suffering and hardship affected them and they were shaken until the Rasul and those with him who had Imaan said, when will the help of Allah arrive? Behold, verily the help of Allah is close.”  [Surah Baqarah, Verse 214]

In conclusion, we should not be voting for candidates that are enemies of Islam and have no interest of the Muslims at heart. Yes, if a candidate has the interest of Islam and Muslims at heart as well as the citizens of the country then one may vote for him.



Maulana Abdul Kader Fazlani

Date: 24 Dhul Qa’dah 1445 / 02 June 2024


Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb


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