Performing Umrah during the months of Hajj

May 23, 2022 | Hajj


Does Hajj become Fardh if people enter Makkah Mukarramah during the months of Hajj with the intention of performing Umrah?


If a person has not performed his Fardh Hajj as yet, but performs Umrah during the months of Hajj (i.e. Shawwal, Dhul Qa’dah, and Dhul Hijjah), then it will be incumbent upon him to perform Hajj. However, if he does not have the financial means to stay for the entire duration of Hajj, or he doesn’t possess a valid visa to stay until he can fulfil his obligatory Hajj, then it will not be incumbent upon him to perform Hajj. However, it will be better to try and make arrangements and perform Hajj in the same year, if possible.[i]

Note: This ruling is with regards to a person who has not yet performed his obligatory Hajj; on the other hand, if one has already performed his Hajj, then there is no compulsion on him in this regard.


والفقير الاٰفاقي اذا وصل الي الميقات صار كالمكي فيجب عليه وان لم يقدر علي الراحلة (فتح ولباب) وينبغي ان يراد به الفقير المتنفل لنفسه ليخرج الفقير المامور فانه اذا وصل الي الميقات لا يصير كالمكّي , لان قدرته بقدرة غيره , وهي لا تعتبر , فلا يجب عليه الخ (غيية المناسك 18 ادارة القراٰن)  

[i] فتاوي قاسمية ص ٤٢ ج ١٢ ط: مكتبة اشرفية ديوبند    كذا في فتاوي دار العلوم زكريا ص ٣٤٧ ج ٣ ط: زم زم ‘ كتاب النوازل ص ٢٩٨ ج ٧ ط: دار الاشاعت؛ جديد فقهي مسائل از مولانا خالد سيف الله ص ١٧٣-١٧٤ ج ١ ط: زمزم



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 21 Shawwal 1443 / 23 May 2022


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