“Access Bars” treatment

Oct 7, 2023 | Medical Matters


A Mufti was asked about the permissibility of an energy healing type technique called Access Bars. He certified it as permissible, and based on his explanation, he seemed to have understood it to be more like a type of reflexology/ acupuncture type technique. However, upon deeper investigation, one finds that there is much more to the foundation of Access Bars. Below is an explanation of  how the founder, Gary M Douglas, came across it, as well as his world view regarding it:

Gary M. Douglas, The Founder of Access Consciousness

 Gary Douglas describes that he’s always been on a spiritual path, seeking deeper answers to life’s mysteries. “When I was nine, I decided I wanted to go to church, but my parents didn’t. I walked to church with my little sister every Sunday.”

“My dad died when I was 17. I learned from his life that working yourself to death for your family doesn’t necessarily provide everything they need. I also learned that I had to work, and work hard for anything I wanted. Later, in college, Douglas ran into a former Sunday School teacher who remembered him and said she knew he wouldn’t find what he was looking for in church, but that she hoped he would find the answers he was looking for.”

Gary Douglas describes the creation of Access Consciousness™ as a series of revelations and insights.”What we now call Access started coming through in about July 1990 when I was a successful Realtor in Santa Barbara, California,” Gary explains. “I began channelling information about points on the head that act like a computer bank for all our thoughts, feelings, emotions, considerations, attitudes and decisions; anything that we decided that was important at anytime in this life or any other lifetime. I felt that maybe this could be a class for massage therapists or body workers. I came home and called four friends to come to a class on energy work. That was the first Access class.”

“Since then, Access Consciousness ™ has been a co-creation with the thousands of people who have come to the classes. The process keeps getting simpler and yet more powerful every time we conduct a workshop.”

Here is another snippet from one of their Access Bars website……

Access Bars® is a relaxing and nurturing process that have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their life and body including stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, health, weight, body image, sleep, money, sex, relationships, and so much more


When The Bars are lightly touched, the brain waves actually slow down, allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems, and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed. The brain wave’s change from beta waves, which are attentive mode, to alpha/theta waves, which are relaxed/fall asleep mode. Brain wave measurement shows increased brain coherence after receiving The Bars

Access Bars optimize brain performance, increase concentration ability and improve emotional stability.

The Bars release decisions about any area of your life that you have made solid and as a result cannot change. The Bars begin to dissolve judgment from within.

 Why does the man speak of “other lifetimes”, and should Muslims be exploring the subconscious mind with these types of techniques?

Below is a direct quotation by Gary M Douglas:

“The brain waves actually slow down when you get your Bars run, allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems, and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed”

Some further reading on this therapy:


Furthermore, Gary M Douglas runs a course connected to the Access Bars therapy which deals with a concept called De-molecular Manifestation and Molecular De- Manifestation.

Below is the course offered along with an explanation of what it is.


De-molecular Manifestation and Molecular De-manifestation

The Access Body Process can be used to change things at the Molecular Level.

Molecular De-Manifestation

Used to un-create something that exists currently.

De-Molecular Manifestation – Used to create something that didn’t exist before.

How can Muslims believe in these concepts?

How can they use a treatment developed by someone with this type of world view?

Below is a blog that discusses in layman’s terms what they are actually doing:


“….Gary Douglas, the developer of Access Consciousness, is now teaching people to do magic, which is possible, he maintains, through communication with the molecules of substances. According to Douglas, all molecules have consciousness, and by communicating with them everyone who is interested can easily achieve what would otherwise look like magic

Douglas calls the technique de-molecular manifestation and molecular de-manifestation (DMMD for short). Both are accomplished by “talking” to the molecules and asking them to change. De-molecular manifestation invites the molecules to become what they have not been, so that something which did not exist comes into existence.

Molecular de-manifestation invites the molecules creating something that is not desired, to disappear and become something else.

Douglas has demonstrated this in simple social situations, such as while sharing a rather harsh tasting bottle of wine. He can hold his hand over the bottle for 5 minutes, and the difference in the wine is noticeable to all who drink it. Furthermore, when he asks the wine to become exactly what each body desires for its own taste and satisfaction, the glasses of wine which came from the very same bottle acquire different tastes, according to each person drinking it. All of these can be noticed by anyone witnessing this who is willing to sample the wine in question.

Far from being a unique talent available only to Douglas, this ability to de-molecularly manifest and molecularly de-manifest is something that can easily be taught. It is so simple that a child can do It — and they are often better and faster at it than adults, simply because their beliefs that “it can’t be done” are less set in stone than their parents’.

Glenna Rice, a physical therapist practicing in San Rafael, CA, and Julie Tuton, a San Francisco artist, have taught this method to groups of children at the recent Green Expo in San Francisco. Rice and Tuton then demonstrated the changes in water using pH strips, which showed that the water they were working on changed in ways that could be measured “objectively” as well as tasted by everyone in the class.”

Gary M Douglas also has a published book where he claims, by using his techniques, one can talk to animals and understand their language and take the “gifts” they wish to give you.

Below is the book review off Amazon:

“Talk to the Animals” by Gary M. Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer gives you pragmatic tools and techniques to actually talk to the animals and contribute to the earth! What if peace was a natural state for animals? When you create or tap into a place of peace for your horse, dog or cat, then everything becomes calm, cool and collected…you’re in the zone. Did you know that every animal, plant and structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you?

If you are unwilling to receive, then you miss out on what they wish to give you. You also limit your ability to receive in every area of life…the money you can have, what you can experience and what is possible for you! Did you know animals can talk? It’s interesting to observe animals misbehaving when we don’t listen to them. They know what they require and they’ll communicate that to you, if you’re able to receive it. Animals telepathically pick up on all your thoughts, feelings and emotions. That’s language to them and they can give you the whole picture of what’s going on for them, if you ask the question. One of the greatest gifts that animals give to us is the way they receive from us without judgment and without limitation. They give us the opportunity to do the one thing that most of us never get the chance to do, to totally gift everything we have without limitation or consideration. What if your animals are more conscious than you are? When you acknowledge their consciousness, they will start to behave differently with you. They can teach you how to have a more expansive reality and they’ll give this to you if you will listen. Animals can help you learn to function with the Earth. That is the gift of being able to talk to them.

In conclusion, can the Ifta department please give a clarification on whether Access Bars are indeed a permitted healing technique after reviewing the full perspective on it as, unfortunately now, the community will be utterly confused regarding it?


The Access Bars therapy is pure Shaytaaniyyat which is impermissible. The Dajjal will also carry out various supernatural acts and thereby rob people of their Imaan and these therapies are perhaps paving the way for the imposter. These human Shayateen can enter anything that they wish into the human mind, and erase whatever they wish from the mind. The objective of Shaytaan is to create doubt in the mind in matters of Imaan, so that we are deprived of Imaan at the time of death. It seems that these treatments will aid in easily fulfilling this objective of Shaytaan, as it is possible that beliefs of Kufr will be entered into the mind later. In conclusion, it is Haraam for Muslims to go for such treatment.



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date:- 20 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1445 / 06 October 2023


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