Checkers competition

Sep 10, 2023 | Miscellaneous


1. Checkers is running a competition where if a customer purchases online, they receive a scratch card with a code. It then gets entered into a draw, and if your entry is selected, you get a chance to spin a wheel where you could win grocery items, or not. Would it be permissible to participate?

2. If a female has any impurity similar to a discharge (not during Haidh), and it’s smaller than a 50c coin, will Wudhu be considered broken?

3. Also, regarding a male, if there is some urine on his clothing, smaller than a 50c diameter, can they make Salaah in those clothes, or not?


1. Since you are not paying anything to enter the competition, rather you are entered into the competition by purchasing goods at standard prices from Checkers, it will be permitted. By entering the said competition, you will not be gambling nor will the prize fall in the category of Riba, hence permitted.

وَسُمِّيَ الْقِمَارُ قِمَارًا لِأَنَّ كُلَّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْ الْمُقَامِرَيْنِ مِمَّنْ يَجُوزُ أَنْ يَذْهَبَ مَالُهُ إلَى صَاحِبِهِ، وَيَجُوزُ أَنْ يَسْتَفِيدَ مَالَ صَاحِبِهِ وَهُوَ حَرَامٌ بِالنَّصِّ (رد المحتار ج٦ص٤٠٣)

الربا هو أفضل المستحق لاحد المتعاقدين في المعاوضة الخالي عن عوض شرط فيه (الهداية ج٣ص٧٨)

2. There are different categories of female discharge. If the discharge is on the outer vagina or inner vagina, then the Wudhu will remain intact. However, if the discharge is emitting from the womb, then it will invalidate the Wudhu. In conclusion, if discharge is emitting from the womb, then Wudhu will be invalidated irrespective of the quantity of discharge.

3. Regarding urine on the clothing, if one was aware of the impurity on one’s clothing, then it should be washed off before performing Salaah, even though it is less than the size of the palm in circumference. However, if one performs Salaah with the urine on the clothing, then Salaah will be valid with the proviso that it is less than the size of the palm in circumference, which is estimated to be +-5.94cm.

أما النجاسة القليلة فإنها لا تمنع جواز الصلاة، سواء كانت خفيفة أو غليظة استحسانا، (بدائع الصنائع ج١ص٢٣٢)

احسن الفتاوي ج٢ص٨٩



Maulana Ahmed Saeed

Date:- 21 Safar 1445 / 07 September 2023


Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb


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