Combining two Salaah when travelling

Mar 24, 2024 | Salaah Of The Traveller


1. I would like to inquire if we read our Fardh Salaah standing, facing Qibla on a plane, do we have to repeat it when we land or will it be accepted?

2. We currently live in Venezuela; Unfortunately the area is very unsafe especially while traveling and there are no facilities to accommodate us to perform Salaah. Could we combine 2 Salaahs? The Salaah of Zuhr and Asr, meaning  to delay the Salaah of Zuhr to the last time and the beginning of Asr Salaah?  Can we combine Salaah on a plane when making Safar?


1. If the Salaah was read standing facing the Qiblah, then it does not have to be repeated. Yes, if one read it whilst sitting on one’s seat, then it has to be repeated.  [Re: – Kitaabun Nawaazil Vol.5 Pg. 470]

2. The Fuqaha have written that it is not permissible to join two Salaah in such a way that you read both Salaah in one time whether one is travelling or a resident. However, if you read one Salaah at the end of one Salaah time and the next Salaah at the beginning of the next time then this is permissible when travelling. For ex. You read Zuhr at the end of Zuhr and when Asr time enters then you perform Asr Salaah, then this is in order.

عن ابن عباس : عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال من جمع الصلاتين من غير عذر فقد أتى بابا من أبواب الكبائر (الترمذي #188)

ولا يجمع بين صلاتين في وقت إحداهما في حضر ولا في سفر) ما خلا عرفة ومزدلفة فإن الحاج يجمع بين الظهر والعصر بعرفات فيؤديهما في وقت الظهر وبين المغرب والعشاء بمزدلفة فيؤديها في وقت العشاء (المبسوط للسرخسي 1/149)

Re: – Fatawaa Uthmaaniya Vol.3 Pg. 323



Maulana Abdul Kader Fazlani

Date: 12 Ramadaan 1445 / 23 March 2024


Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb


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