Transcribed from the Islaahi Majlis conducted on 02/02/2023
The Month of Rajab
The Quraan Sharif states, ” By Allah Ta’ala, there are twelve months in the year. From these twelve months of the year, four months are regarded as sacred (Rajab, Dhul Qa’dah, Dhul Hijjah and Muharram).”
The month of Rajab is a very blessed month. Any person who protects these four sacred months will remain safe for the remainder of the year Insha’Allah. If a person stays away from sin in these months, for the rest of the year Allah Ta’ala will protect him from sin. And if we obey Allah Ta’ala in these months, then we will get the Taufeeq of obeying Him for the rest of the year.
Uncertainty of life
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had no guarantee over the expanse of his life to the extent that he said, that when he makes Salaam to his right, he doesn’t know if he will live long enough to make Salaam to the left.
When Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would exit from relieving himself, he would make Tayammum. The Sahaaba Radiallahu Anhum asked him why he did so when water was available. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam responded that he loves to be in a state of Tahaarat as he doesn’t know if he will reach the water or not. However, when it came to the month of Rajab, then from two months prior, Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would make the Dua:
اللهم بارك لنا في رجب و شعبان و بلّغنا رمضان
“O Allah! Grant us barakah in (the month) of Rajab and Shabaan and let us reach (the month of) Ramadaan .”
There is so much of Barakah in this month, hence it should not go by without us taking maximum benefit from it.
A Dua of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam before Ramadaan
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would also supplicate with the following words before Ramadaan:
اللهم سلمنا رمضان و سلم رمضان لنا و سلمه لنا متقبلا
“O Allah! Keep us safe until Ramadaan and keep Ramadaan safe for us and protect our Ibaadah for us with acceptance.”
We ask Allah Ta’ala to keep us healthy and well so we can obtain maximum benefit from Ramadaan and to keep this month free from obstruction and difficulty and whatever Ibaadah we perform, that it remains protected for us by Allah Ta’ala.
Speciality of Ramadaan
The speciality of the month of Rajab can be understood from the above-mentioned Qaraanic Ayah and Hadith. Perhaps the most significant aspect of Rajab which majority of the scholars hold is that the event of Me’raj took place herein. There is no certainty however, that it took place on the 27th of Rajab so there is no need to host Bayaans or engage in specific Ibaadah on this night. Regarding these things as necessary and engaging in them is tantamount to Bid’ah.
Nevertheless, majority of the scholars are of the opinion that it is in this month of Rajab that we received the gift Salaah which is a means of connecting with Allah Ta’ala. We take a spiritual bath and become clean on the 15th of Shabaan by making Taubah, and then we enter clean and pure into the blessed month of Ramadaan.
In this month of Rajab, Allah Ta’ala took Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam on Me’raj where he was gifted with Salaah. It goes without saying that Salaah should be established in our lives.
Correct your Salaah
However, we should be cognizant of the condition of our Salaah. During the time of Hadrat Maulana Ilyas Saheb Rahimahullah in the Nizaamud-Deen Markaz, water would not be placed on the Dastarkhaan whilst meals were served. Instead, a person would walk around with a water jug and serve the people as they needed water. Once during this service, someone dropped the jug. Hadrat commented on this: “Your salaah is not in order. If it was, then this would not have occurred.” The message in this is that if our Salaah is performed correctly, with concentration and devotion, and the outward postures are also in order, then our life will also be smooth flowing. And if our Salaah is not in order, then our life will also be in turmoil.
Knowledge will be lifted from the world
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was once with the Sahaaba Radiallahu Anhum and he looked to the sky and said: “A time is going to come when knowledge is going to be lifted from the Ummah.” Hadrat Ziyad Radiallahu Anhu asked: “O Rasulullah! How will knowledge be taken away from us? We have learnt Quraan and Hadith from you, and we will pass it on to our children and they in turn will pass it on to theirs and like this the chain will continue right up to the Day of Qiyaamah. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam responded: “O Ziyad! I thought you were an intelligent person. Did you not see what happened to the Jews and Christians? Didn’t they also study the Torah and the Injeel? Today, no original form of these books can be found. They have been totally wiped out.”
This Hadith was narrated by Hadrat Abu Darda Radiallahu Anhu. When his student heard this Hadith, he related it to Hadrat Ubaadah Radiallahu Anhu. Hadrat Abu Ubaadah Radiallahu Anhu confirmed that what Hadrat Abu Darda narrated was one hundred percent correct i.e. knowledge will be taken away from this Ummah.
Concentration in Salaah will be lifted
He went on further to say: “Shall I tell you what will be taken away first? Khushoo (concentration) in Salaah. A Masjid will be filled to capacity but there won’t be a single person performing Salaah with concentration.”
We should reflect on this, that how many times do we think of Allah Ta’ala in our Salaah. Despite calling out the greatness of Allah Ta’ala multiple times in Takbeer, Tahmeed, Tasbeeh, it has no effect on our Salaah. This is a clear indication that concentration in Salaah has been taken away from the Ummah.
Hadrat Huzaifah Radiallahu Anhu was the keeper of secrets for Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam. He was aware of the identities of the Munaafiqeen. Hadrat Huzaifah also affirmed that the the first thing to be taken from the Ummah would be concentration in Salaah.
Definition of Khushoo
When Hadrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu was asked what “Khushoo” is, which is generally translated as “concentration”, he said that it is a connection with Allah Ta’ala through the heart. This connection doesn’t just come from lip service. It is a concerted effort to keep bringing the mind back to Allah Ta’ala when our mind drifts away in Salaah.
Hadrat Qatadah Radiallahu Anhu was also asked what “Khushoo” is. He said it lies in the fear of Allah Ta’ala and keeping the gaze lowered.
A person was in Salaah when he passed his hand over his beard. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam saw this and commented that if he had Khushoo in his Salaah, he would not have done that.
Salaah curses a person
Salaah is a very great Ibaadah and can take a person to Allah Ta’ala, at the same time, the Quraan says in Surah Ma’oon:
فويل للمصلين
“Woe and Destruction to those who read Salaah”
الذين هم عن صلاتهم ساهون
“Those who are negligent in their Salaah”
الذين هم يراءون
“Those who are ostentatious.”
We make so much effort in attending the Salaah with Jamaat, yet Allah Ta’ala is saying that these people are destroyed due to their poor concentration and quality of their Salaah. They are attending Salaah with the intention of Riyaa i.e. to show people that they are also performing five times Salaah etc.
Incorrect recitation of a Surah
On a trip to the U.S. many years ago during Ramadaan, we met an IT consultant. He was diagnosed with Diabetes and had to leave his job. Being financially secure, he was able to dedicate his time to the Masjid and Ibaadah. He told us that he was reading Surah Muzzammil for a particular need and asked if we would listen to him to see that he was reading correctly. Unfortunately, he needed to correct his recitation. He commented that the reason why his need was not being fulfilled was due to his incorrect recitation. So likewise, if our Salaah is rectified, our spiritual needs will also be fulfilled.
There is a saying that Salaah is the Me’raj of a Mu’min. In a moment, Salaah can take us from the ground, to the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala. If we perform our Salaah correctly, without fault, it will allow us to reach Allah Ta’ala. Hadrat Maulana Abdul Hamid Saheb explained that nowadays, people want freedom i.e. they don’t want to be restricted by a Sheikh. Hadrat’s response to this is if you don’t want anyone to control you, then at least ensure that your Salaah is correct. When your Salaah is perfected, your gaze will be under control, your tongue will be controlled, and your complete Islaah will be made.
Importance of Jamaat Salaah
There is a lot of negligence regarding our Jamaa’ah Salaah. We feel a little lazy and neglect going to the Masjid. The Mas’ala states that it is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi to form a Jamaa’ah outside of the Masjid. The reason is because it breaks the sanctity of the first Jamaa’ah. According to the Hanafi Madhab, the time for Asr Salaah sets in when the shadow of an object is twice its length. And for the Shafi’ee Madhab, it is when the shadow is 10cm longer. However, the Fuqaha have written that due to the reward of the Salaah in Jamaa’ah in the Haram being multiplied 100 000 times, it will be permissible for the Hanafis to perform their Asr Salaah behind the Shafi’ee Imaam. Salaah with Jamaat is Sunnat-e-Muakkadah, which is very close to being Waajib.
Missing Salaah
The second important aspect is missing Salaah. A person who has Qadhaa Salaah must give preference to making the Qadhaa over performing other Nawaafil Salaah such as Tahajjud and Awwabeen etc. Our Fardh Salaah is of such great importance that one’s entire lifetime of Nawaafil Salaah won’t equate to a single Fardh of 2 Rakaats.
Discarding the Sunnah Salaah
The third deficiency in the Ummah is the discarding of Sunnah Salaah. There is great wisdom in every command of Allah Ta’ala. If our Nawaafil Salaah is protected, we become mindful of our Sunnah. If our Sunnah Salaah is protected, automatically our Fardh Salaah is protected. When our Fardh Salaah is protected, our Imaan is protected. On the contrary, if our Nawaafil is neglected, then our Sunnah is in danger. If our Sunnah is neglected, then our Faraa’idh are in danger. If our Faraa’idh is neglected, then Imaan is in danger. This danger becomes evident at the time of death.
The importance of Sunnah can be found in the following example. A person once commented that a certain action is only but a Sunnah. A Buzurgh replied that it may be a Sunnah but the tone in which the statement was made is Kufr.
Hadrat Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saheb Saharanpuri Rahimahullah’s punctuality in Tahajjud
Hadrat Maulana Aashiq Ilahi Saheb Rahimahullah mentioned that he accompanied Hadrat Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri on many journeys. Once they were on a journey that proved to be arduous. On arriving at their destination, Maulana felt that they were both tired, so he didn’t make any preparation for Tahajjud. As they were eating, their lights went out. So Maulana took Hadrat to his room and he also retired for the night.
One hour before Tahajjud ended, Maulana Aashiq Ilaahi Saheb woke up and set about looking for Hadrat. In the distance he saw a Masjid. He approached the Masjid and climbed a staircase taking him to the upper level. On the upper level was the courtyard of the Masjid where Maulana found Hadrat reciting Quraan in Tahajjud. Maulana felt ashamed of his position thinking lowly of himself as in that hour, Hadrat, in his old age, completed 1 and half Juz of the Quraan Sharif, and Maulana didn’t know how long before that Hadrat was there and how much more Quraan he might have recited. They performed their Fajr together.
Though Maulana felt ashamed, Hadrat made nothing of it. Maulana always wondered why Hadrat always acted on Azeemat (that which was made obligatory) and not on Rukhsat (concession). This shows how particular they were about their Nafl Salaah even whilst on Safr. May Allah Ta’ala inspire us to take lesson. Ameen!