The Pious are Always Particular over their Money Matters

Jan 3, 2024 | Malfoozat, Posters

Transcribed from the Islaahi Majlis conducted on 06/01/2023

Caution of Hadrat Maulana Muzaffar Hussein Saheb Rahimahullah

We previously discussed the difficulties and hardships that our Akaabireen endured. Despite their plight, they always extended their hands to Allah Ta’ala for help, and not to the people. These Akaabireen were very particular in matters related to money. Maulana Muzaffar Hussain Saheb Rahimahullah was the Ustaadh of Hadrat Mufti Muhammed Shafi Saheb Rahimahullah. During his student days, mangoes were used to prepare the gravy in India. The sale of the mangoes was corrupt as the farmers would sell the mangoes whilst they were still on the tree. He would therefore refrain from eating any curries sold in the market. This was the level of Hadrat’s Taqwa. This also indicates towards the importance of knowing the laws of trade to conduct a Halaal business.

As a result of Hadrat Maulana Muzaffar Hussein Saheb’s precaution, Allah Ta’ala blessed him in such a way that if he ever ate food that was doubtful, his body expelled it.

Learn the laws of trade before trading

Hadrat Umar Radiallahu Anhu never allowed a person to start a business until he familiarized himself with the Masaa’il of trade.

Returning one’s salary to the Madrasah

Hadrat Maulana Mazhar Nanotwi Saheb Rahimahullah was a founder of the Madrasah in Saharanpur. Sometimes, during a lesson, visitors or family passing by would stop to greet him. Hadrat Maulana would note the duration of their stay. At the end of the month, Hadrat would calculate the total time spent on others. If it amounted to less than half day, Hadrat would give half day’s salary back to the Madrasah. And if it was more than half a day, Hadrat would give a full day’s salary back to the Madrasah. Such was their level of Taqwa.

Once Hadrat Maulana was delivering a lesson and a senior family member of his entered and sat aside in the room. Hadrat continued with his lesson as normal and only after he completed, he got up from the place where he was conducting his lesson and went to meet the family member. The family member asked why Hadrat came to them, because they were prepared to go to meet him where he was sitting. Hadrat replied that the carpet on which he was sitting was given to him by the Madrasah to conduct lessons and not for personal meetings. These were great qualities in our Akaabireen that we should strive to inculcate in our lives.

Funds for hosting a Jalsa

When Hadrat Maulana Abdul Hamid Saheb attended the Islaahi Jalsa in Cape Town in the initial stages, Hadrat was very concerned about the source of the money used to host the Jalsa. Hadrat was only satisfied when the host informed him of the source of the funds.

Concern of our seniors in monetary matters

When Hadrat would be invited for a meal to the house of Ulama, Hadrat, being aware of the salary of an Alim, would always leave some money quietly in the hands of the host before leaving.

Recently an Alim hosted Hadrat Maulana and Hadrat asked him what work he was involved in. The Alim replied that he was currently unemployed. On that, Hadrat took out some money and gave it to him.

When we travelled once to Homestead park in Johannesburg with Hadrat and returned to Azaadville. Hadrat was so particular to reimburse us for the petrol expense despite our refusal to accept it.

Teachers not eating from the Jalsa food 

When the Madrasah in Saharanpur would host their Jalsa, the Asaatidha of the Madrasah would not eat the food that was prepared. Even though, the money was sourced from means other than the Madrasah funds, they would bring their own food and eat it separately. The only person who would eat with the senior Alims who were invited guests, was Hadrat Maulana Khalil Ahmed Saheb Saharanpuri Rahimahullah. However, their meal came from the house of Hadrat Maulana Saheb. When Hadrat moved to Makkah Sharif from Saharanpur, he was concerned about owing anything to the Madrasah. So he left his entire collection of Kitaabs to the Madrasah in lieu of anything that he may have owed.

The principal of the Madrasah at that time, Hadrat Maulana Inaayat Ali Saheb Rahimahullah, also wouldn’t partake of the Madrasah meals. He would carry his own food and eat in the privacy of his office. Maulana also had two ink pots with two pens in his office. One belonged to the Madrasah and one belonged to him. For all Madrasah work, Hadrat used the Madrasah ink pot, and for his personal letters, Maulana used his own.

Not taking a grant from Madrasah funds

Hadrat Maulana was aware of the people who would contribute to the Madrasah and would visit them on his way from home to Madrasah, and on his way from Madrasah to his home. Hadrat never used the Madrasah time for this work. As Hadrat aged, he needed to use a wheelchair and would attend Madrasah using it. Some people who were aware of Hadrat’s long-service to the Madrasah suggested that a grant be given to Hadrat. Hadrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahimahullah was alive at the time, and he informed them that it was impermissible to use Madrasah money for a grant.

Maulana advised them to get separate donors and set up a special fund specifically for this purpose instead. Maulana went further to pledge 5 rupees from his side. This was the Ikhlaas and Taqwa that our seniors possessed.

Hadrat Maulana Zahoorul Haq Saheb, who was the cook in the Madrasah, wouldn’t even taste the food whilst cooking. He would instead ask a student to taste it. And he too, would not eat at the Madrasah. He would go home and eat and then return to Madrasah.

Whatever is regarded as Waqf property is actually in the possession of Allah Ta’ala. If anyone makes Khiyaanat (deceives) in these matters and they make Taubah, there is hope that Allah Ta’ala will forgive them. However, to whatever extent the institute was deceived, a person should reimburse the institution, coupled with Taubah. May Allah Ta’ala grant us Taufeeq.


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