Distribution of Shares in a Cow

Jun 14, 2024 | Qurbani/Hunting

Q1) Please advise how the meat of a cow should be divided if there are 7 different people who have shares in the cow.

A1) It is necessary to divide the meat equally between all seven shareholders. If certain shareholders get extra and others get less, then this will be regarded as Riba. However, if other parts of the body such as the trotters, head, skin, liver, lungs, heart, intestines, etc. is attached to each of the shareholder’s share of meat, then the condition of equality falls away. In conclusion, other parts of the animal which are not considered as meat should be joined to each one’s share of the meat to be protected from Riba. [Re: Fataawa Uthmaaniyyah Vol:8 Pg:367]

سبعة ضحوا بقرة، وأرادوا أن يقسموا اللحم بينهم؛ إن اقتسموها، وزنًا يجوز؛ لأن القيمة فيها معنى السبع على هذا الوجه يجوز، وإن اقتسموها جزافًا إن جعلوا مع اللحم شيئًا من السقط نحو الرأس، والأكارع يجوز، وإن لم يجعلوا لا يجوز؛ لأن البيع على هذا الوجه لا يجوز، فإن….. مع هذا، وحللوا الفضل بعضهم لبعض لم يجز(المحيط البرهاني ج٦ص١٠٠).

Q2) We try our best to divide the meat into 7 equal shares. However, it is sometimes not possible to do so. Someone might get 200 grams more than the next person, but all shareholders agree to it, will this arrangement be acceptable?

A2) It is necessary that each person gets an equal amount of meat. It is not permissible to give some shareholders more than others, even though all agree to the distribution. We have already provided a solution to the matter above in #1.

فإن….. مع هذا، وحللوا الفضل بعضهم لبعض لم يجز(المحيط البرهاني ج٦ص١٠٠)

Q3) The cow gets processed into different types of products such as polony, viennas, patties etc. Will it be possible to divide each product by number or do we need to divide it by weight? For example, we received 35 rolls of polony in total. However, each roll does not weigh the same amount. Will it be possible to give each person 5 rolls or do we need to weigh it, and then divide it based on the weight? 

A3) Each shareholder should be given his share of the meat from the animal. He may then give the meat to the butcher for processing. In this way, there is no need to share the processed meat: rather each one will receive his portion of processed meat directly from the butcher. This will be an easy way of resolving the matter.

The other way will be to give the entire cow for processing with the consent of all the shareholders without distributing the meat. The processed meat can then be divided into seven parts which may not be necessarily equal. Other parts of the animal such as the trotters, head, skin, liver, lungs, heart, intestines, etc. may be joined to each one’s share so that the condition of equalness falls away.     

سبعة ضحوا بقرة، وأرادوا أن يقسموا اللحم بينهم؛ إن اقتسموها، وزنًا يجوز؛ لأن القيمة فيها معنى السبع على هذا الوجه يجوز، وإن اقتسموها جزافًا إن جعلوا مع اللحم شيئًا من السقط نحو الرأس، والأكارع يجوز، وإن لم يجعلوا لا يجوز؛ لأن البيع على هذا الوجه لا يجوز، فإن….. مع هذا، وحللوا الفضل بعضهم لبعض لم يجز(المحيط البرهاني ج٦ص١٠٠).

Q4) If all 7 people agree to give away a certain portion to the poor, will it be okay to take out this portion before the meat is divided, or does the meat need to be divided by 7, first and thereafter each person can give away a portion as they wish?

A4) Each person should be given his portion of meat and they may distribute according to their discretion.

Q5) Should the head, legs, skin intestines etc. also be divided by 7 or can these be given away if all 7 people agree?

A5) It is generally required when distributing the meat as explained above. When the distribution is complete and each one has received his share of the meat, then each shareholder may give away these parts of the animal which he has received as part of his Qurbani.



Maulana Ahmed Saeed

Date: 06 Dhul Hijjah 1445 / 13 June 2024


Mufti Mohammed Desai


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