Transcribed from the Islaahi Majlis conducted on 16/11/2023
Reward of Sadaqah
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentions in a Hadith, “Whoever gives a person a goat from which he can derive milk from; or a person gives a loan to someone and after benefitting from it, he pays him back in full, or a person shows the way to someone who is lost; the person will receive the reward of freeing a slave.”
Last week we discussed the various good deeds that earn a person the reward of Sadaqah. And that reward is equivalent to freeing a slave. These are acts where a person can really benefit himself to a great degree if he carries them out.
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentions in another Hadith, “A person was walking amongst others when he found a thorny branch on the road. He picked it up and removed it from thr pathway. Allah Ta’ala appreciated this act so much that Allah Ta’ala forgave him.”
حدثنا قتيبة عن مالك بن أنس عن سمي عن أبي صالح عن أبي هريرة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال بينما رجل يمشي في طريق إذ وجد غصن شوك فأخره فشكر الله له فغفر له وفي الباب عن أبي برزة وابن عباس وأبي ذر قال أبو عيسى هذا حديث حسن صحيح. (سنن الترمذي)
A person should look for these opportunities and quietly carry them out to earn these rewards. Mufti Shafi Sahib Rahimahullah used to say “Carry out good deeds and throw them in the ocean,” meaning that a person should forget about the good he has done, because he doesn’t know if it has been accepted in the court of Allah Ta’ala or not.
The Conduct of Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaihi
Khaarijah bin Mus’ab Rahmatullahi Alaihi wanted to go for Hajj. He had a slave-girl in his possession and wondered where to leave her. The thought came to leave her with Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaihi. He returned from Hajj four months later and approached Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaihi, enquiring if he was satisfied with the slave-girl’s character, conduct, Khidmah etc. Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaih replied, “The person who is involved in Quraan, and engrossed in Masaa’il of Halaal and Haraam for the benefit of people, that person must ensure that he doesn’t get involved in any type of sin. From the time of your departure until your return, not once did I even glance at your slave-girl, so I know nothing about her.”
Khaarijah bin Mus’ab Rahmatullahi Alaih then questioned his slave-girl about Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaih and his work ethic and conduct. She replied, “Never in my life have I seen a man like this before. Neither have I heard of a man like this before. I didn’t see him sleep during the day nor during the night (according to her knowledge). In the four months I stayed here, he didn’t take a Fardh Ghusl during the day nor at night. Except on the Day of Jumuah, after he returned from Fajr, he would perform Salaatud Duhaa. Being the Day of Jumuah, he would shorten the Salaah. He would then make Ghusl, apply some Itr and set off for Jumuah Salaah. I never saw Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaihi eating except in the early part of the morning after Tahajjud Salaah when he would take a little rest before going for Fajr Salaah.” This was her observation of the lifestyle of Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahimahullah.
The Effect of Sin on an Aalim
From here we come to understand that those involved in the work of Deen and they desire to attain true Taqwa, then not only should they abstain from sin but they should not go near sin. For example, a person travels on a particular road daily. He comes to know that on this day, there’s a concert being held. Knowing the Fitnah and Fasaad that take place in such gatherings, he opts to to take another route instead. He doesn’t foolishly entrap himself by saying that he will use the same route and control his gaze. A person is walking on the road and a female is walking on the same side then he should cross over to the opposite side.
We are approaching the end of year and it is a time when most people go on holiday. A Maulana from Mpumalanga invited us to host a program but blocked out December because it is holiday season. We commented that our brothers are bleeding in Palestine, what is our concern with holidays? Maulana replied that such is the Haalaat of the Ummah-out of sight out of mind. We are aware of how many of the commands of Allah Ta’ala are broken when a person goes on holiday. Therefore everybody, in particular an Aalim, should steer clear of such circumstances.
On Sundays generally, people are free so they visit the malls and spend hours there without purpose. They don’t even purchase one item. It’s just to pass time. A person who is concerned with his protection will choose a time when the mall is not busy, for example, a weekday morning and that also, just to fulfil his necessity and leave.
If an Aalim of Deen involves himself in act of sin, then his heart is blackened-as though a cloud has covered his heart. If this darkness enters the heart, a person who issues Fataawa, he will not be able to answer correctly. If a person comes to him for guidance, he will be unable to correctly guide him. The seniors advise us to stay away from those who openly engage in the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala because they will be unable to assist others due to the darkness in the heart.
Overpowering the Nafs for the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala
There was once was a very handsome person from among the Bani Israeel. He used to weave baskets and then go from home to home trying to sell them. He once found himself at the palace of the king. When the servant lay her eyes on him, she ran back inside telling the princess what a handsome person was selling baskets. The princess instructed her to bring him into the palace. She called him in under the pretense of wanting to make a purchase. He entered and she locked the first door. Unbeknown to him what was happening, he continued further and she locked the second door. Now the princess came forward, unveiled and scantily clad. He asked her what she would like to buy. She replied that they had not called him in for his baskets. He then understood her evil intention and said to her, “Fear Allah Ta’ala!” She continued to pursue him saying that if he doesn’t heed, she will report him to the King for trespassing. He resisted until Allah Ta’ala inspired him to make Wudhu. She accepted his request and told the servant to take him to the top of the palace to make Wudhu. The height of the walls were 20 meters high, so she did not fear that he might jump. When he reached there, he made Dua to Allah Ta’ala, “Whatever was in my ability to do, I did. Now I’m going to jump to protect myself and it is only to please You.” When he jumped, Allah Ta’ala sent an angel who held him and placed him safely on the ground. When a person is sincere in his quest, help from the unseen comes, and Allah Ta’ala protects a person.
When he reached the ground, he said “O Allah! I sell these baskets to make a living but if You want, You can give me Rizq without this.” It is written that there and then, golden locusts fell on the ground around him. He gathered all the locusts, but he was a man of Aakhirah! So he said to Allah Ta’ala, “Let it not be that this gold is from my reward in the Aakhirah that is given to me now in Dunya.” Allah Ta’ala inspired him that because he safeguarded himself from the princess, he was alloted 25 shares of reward in the Aakhirah. From those shares, one had been used up in this gold. He was sincere and gave up this share as well to be kept for the Aakhirah. The golden locusts then disappeared.
Once, a Mureed of Hakeem Akhtar Sahib came before Hadrat in a disheveled state. Hadrat asked about his appearance and he said, “When I was in Haram Sharif an Eygptian lady looked at my beauty and fell unconscious. I made Niyyah from that day that I will never dress up attractively again.” This made Hadrat very happy and told his Mureeds in the gathering that these are the lengths a person should go to, to protect himself.
A person came to Hadrat Molana Yunus Patel Sahib and told Hadrat that he was a door to door salesman. One day he came to a house where the lady invited him inside. When he entered, he realized that she was a prostitute. He hurriedly left once her evil became known to him. Hadrat told him that he should make Taubah for entering that house. He should not have entered knowing that she was alone at home.
The Gravity of Sin
Hadrat Abu Moosa Ash’ari Radiallahu Anhu told his son, Hadrat Buraid Radiallahu Anhu, “Always remember the man and the loaf of bread.” He was on his deathbed at this time, and he went to explain the incident of the man and the loaf of bread.
“There was a person who stayed in a monastery. For seventy years, he made the Ibaadah of Allah Ta’ala in that monastery. He would come out only once a week on a Sunday. One Sunday when he emerged, Shaytaan overpowered him. He cast a glance at a woman passing by and in that instant, he forgot his seventy years of Ibaadah and went into seclusion with this woman. He spent seven days and seven nights with her, oblivious of everything else. After seven days, reality hit him and he came back to his senses. Immediately he fell into Taubah. Every step that he took, he read Salaah and made Sajdah. He takes a step, stops, performs Salaah and Sajdah, then take another step. He continued in this way until he reached an area where poor people dwelled. Therein was a monk who would distribute bread to those poor people. He sent the distributor to deliver the bread. Each person would receive one loaf of bread. The distributor didn’t realize that this person from the monastery was not one of the poor. He gave him a loaf of bread. Once all the bread was distributed, he realized he was one loaf short. The poor person (who didn’t receive his loaf) asked for his loaf and the distributor was puzzled because he had brought an exact amount of bread. So he told the poor person to ask his companions if perhaps someone took two loaves of bread. Everybody said that they had only taken one loaf each. The distributor became angry and threatened not to return with bread again. So the worshipper realized that this was because of him. He handed the bread over to the poor person. That night, the worshipper passed away. The scale was set up and on one side, his seventy years of Ibaadah were placed, and on the other side, his sin of seven days and seven nights. The seven days and seven nights of disobedience outweighed seventy years of disobedience. Then Allah Ta’ala placed the loaf of bread on the scale and the seven days and nights of disobedience. The loaf of bread outweighed the seven days and nights of disobedience.” This is the gravity of acts of Sadaqah. He was forgiven.
The Hadith warns us, “Fear Allah Ta’ala where you are…”
عن أبي ذر قال: قال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «اتق الله حيثما كنت، وأتبع السيئة الحسنة تمحها، وخالق الناس بخلق حسن» (سنن الترمذي)
When we undertake a journey, we ask for righteousness and Taqwa.
اللهم إني أسألك في سفري هذا من البر والتقوى، ومن العمل ما ترضى، اللهم هون علينا المسير، واطو عنا بعد الأرض، اللهم أنت الصاحب في السفر، والخليفة في الأهل، اللهم اصحبنا في سفرنا، واخلفنا في أهلنا (سنن الترمذي)
Reason being that, wherever we are travelling to we are unknown to the people there. So we become lax, remove our Islamic attire, tempted into casinos or other places of vice.
Hadrat Hakeem Sahib mentions in a poem:
میں جہاں بھی رہوں جس فضاء میں بھی رہوں
میرا تقوی ہمیشہ سلامت رہے
“Wherever I live and whichever environment I find myself in, my Taqwa must remain unwavering”
Hadrat wrote this for those travelling by air. The reason is the mindset of someone changes the moment he reaches the airport.
The Hadith goes further, “…if you commit any wrong then follow it up with good…” A person got involved in some wrong and he has regret, then he should take out some money and give it to the poor. The Aabid gave the loaf of bread to the poor person which ultimately outweighed his week of disobedience.
“….and deal kindly with people.” When you conduct yourself with kindness to people, Allah Ta’ala will shower His kindness upon you.
It is mentioned in Shu’abul Imaan about a butcher whose neighbour had a slave-girl. In the era of slaves, the rules that applied to free women did not apply to slave-girls. So this slave-girl did not observe Purdah. The butcher was attracted to her. One day, her master set her off to do some work outside of the home. The butcher saw an opportunity and followed her. When he caught up with her, she said, “The extent of your love for me is nothing compared to the love I have for you. But my fear of Allah Ta’ala prevents me from wrongdoing.” Hearing this, Allah Ta’ala put it in his heart to also adopt Taqwa, and he left her and returned.
On his way back, he experienced great thirst, to the extent that he felt he was going to die. The Nabi of that time happened to pass by him and asked him what was wrong. He told him of his severe thirst. So the Nabi suggested they make Dua that Allah Ta’ala send a cloud to cover both of them as they walked. He said he is such a sinful person, he fears his Dua won’t be accepted. The Nabi said he will make the Dua and the person should say Aameen. They did this and Allah Ta’ala sent the cloud. The cloud shaded them until they reached their village. Now their homes were in different directions. When they parted ways, surprisingly, the cloud moved with the butcher.
The Nabi of Allah ordered him to stop. He said, “Definitely you are blessed by Allah Ta’ala. Tell me what it is that you are hiding from me that made the cloud move with you and not with me?” The butcher said, I had an evil intention and just made Taubah. When a person becomes involved with sin, and he makes Taubah, no one enjoys such status and honour than that person.
The Consequences of Evil
This Ummah will follow the Bani Israeel step by step. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “If there was a man in the Bani Israeel who committed Zina with his mother, then there will someone from this Ummah who will commit Zina with his mother.”
عن عبد الله بن عمرو، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «ليأتين على أمتي ما أتى على بني إسرائيل حذو النعل بالنعل، حتى إن كان منهم من أتى أمه علانية لكان في أمتي من يصنع ذلك، وإن بني إسرائيل تفرقت على ثنتين وسبعين ملة، وتفترق أمتي على ثلاث وسبعين ملة، كلهم في النار إلا ملة واحدة»، قالوا: ومن هي يا رسول الله؟ قال: «ما أنا عليه وأصحابي» (سنن الترمذي)
That is why we should take great lesson from the Bani Israeel. We should endeavor to read the Kitaabs of history so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past nations.
In the Bani Israeel there was a man who was a labourer. This man had a very beautiful wife. When the news spread of her beauty, the tyrant ruler of that time sent a woman over to turn this wife against her husband. So this woman set about poisoning the wife’s mind. She manipulated her by degrading the husband and his work, offering her jewels, silk clothing and servants at her feet. Slowly but surely this poison started to affect the wife. Where she would roll the red carpet out for her husband when he returned from work, prepare the best food, tend to his needs, she gradually started changing. When he confronted her, she turned away from him until ultimately he had to let her go. When the Talaaq was issued, she ended up marrying the tyrant ruler. When they met in seclusion for the first time, the tyrant became blind, and this lady too, became blind. When they reached out to touch each other, their hands fell down, paralyzed. By morning, they were dumb and they were deaf. This was the effect of the injustice and wrong that they committed.
The news of their conditon got out and the when it reached the Nabi of that time, he made Dua to Allah Ta’ala asking what happened to cause this. Allah Ta’ala responded, “Did they think I was not aware of their plots. What they did to that labourer, I will never forgive them for their wrong.”
These stories of the past are for us to take lesson from and protect us. Ameen!