New Hajj regulations

Jun 8, 2022 | Hajj


  1. What is the ruling if a Haji has to don the face mask during the days of Hajj in the state of Ihraam?

  2. Can women attend the congregational Salaah in Makkah Sharif and Madinah Sharif? If yes, then why can’t they attend the congregational Salaah in their hometowns?

  3. Is it permissible for the Hujjaj to subscribe to the current Hajj insurance?

  4. A person only has that amount of money whereby he is able to perform Hajj and return. He doesn’t have sufficient funds to go to Madinah Sharif. Is Hajj still Fardh upon him?

  5. Can a person performing Hajj-e-Badal charge a fee for performing Hajj over and above the cost of Hajj?

  6. A person has outstanding debts. Is it correct for him to delay paying his creditors and perform Hajj?


  1. Under the current circumstances the Hujjaj will be required to don the face mask for the complete 5 days of Hajj due to government regulations. On the completion of Hajj, when they remove their masks they will be required to give Damm (that is slaughter a goat within the boundaries of the Haram) as they will be covering their faces for more than a day.  [Re:- Muallimul Hujjaj pg.239/240]

  1. Just as a female is required to perform her Salaah in her home whilst in her hometown, the same ruling is applicable in the lands of Makkah Sharif and Madinah Sharif. The commentators of Hadith have written that the multiplied rewards promised for performing Salaah in the Haram of Makkah Sharif is for the males only, and not the females. [Re:- Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Pg.446 Vol.9]

  1. A person intending Hajj is left with no choice but to subscribe to the insurance due to government regulations. He should make intention of only paying the visa costs and if the Saudi officials utilize the funds for insurance, then that will be from their side.

  1. Yes, Hajj will still be obligatory upon him. It is Mustahab in fact, and the best of the Mustahabbaat (Mustahab acts) is to visit Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Yes, there are warnings cited for one that doesn’t visit Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam in spite of having the ability to do so. Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Whoever has the ability of visiting me but doesn’t visit me then he has oppressed me.” However, in the queried scenario, since a person doesn’t have the financial means to visit Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he will be exempted from the above warning.

لما كانت زيارة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من أفضل القرب وأحسن المستحبات بل تقرب من درجة ما لزم من الواجبات فإنه صلى الله عليه وسلم حرض عليها وبالغ في الندب إليها فقال: “من وجد سعة ولم يزرني فقد جفاني” وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم:   “من زار قبري وجبت له شفاعتي” وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: “من زارني بعد مماتي فكأنما زارني في حياتي”، إلى غير ذلك من الأحاديث. (ثمرة النجاح ص796)

  1. It is not permissible to charge a fee to perform Hajj-e-Badal. If a person says, “I am hiring you to perform Hajj on behalf of me, in lieu of (so much),” then his Hajj will not be permitted.

منها عدم اشتراط الأجرة، فلو استأجر رجلا، بأن قال استأجرتك على أن تحج عني بكذا لم يجز حجه، وإنما يقول أمرتك أن تحج عني بلا ذكر إجارة. (الدر المختار ص600 ج2)

  1. It is Makrooh for a person that has outstanding debts to perform Hajj. He should settle his debts first and thereafter, perform Hajj.

وان كان في ماله وفاء بالدين يقضي الدين ولا يحج  ويكره الخروج الي الغزو والحج لمن عليه الدين (قاضي خان ص 313 ج1 / الفتاوي الهندية ص221 ج1)



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 07 Dhul Qa’dah 1443 / 08 June 2022


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