Creating software for an insurance company

Jun 8, 2022 | Insurance


We are a software house that programs software for various industries all around the world. Clients tell us their problem and we solve it using software. Majority of our clients are from outside of Pakistan. Last year, a local company won a project from Jubilee Life Insurance, and hired us to build the software. Jubilee life Insurance has multiple products for life insurance. Some products are called Takaful, and some products are called conventional. They have a sales team of 7000 all over Pakistan. The project was to create a mobile application for their sales team to automate their sales process and product delivery. This was a very complex project. Thus far, we have completed 40% of the project. Furthermore, Jubilee has requested an extension of the project with some new features.

Today, we feel, that creating software for Life Insurance is probably not allowed and goes against Islamic principles. Is that correct? We have only taken 40% of the payment and have been running the project out of our own pocket. Our total spend on the project has exceeded 100% of the cost of the project so far. We want to close the project if it turns out that it is impermissible, but still feel that it is important to finish the commitment that we promised.

We intend now to hire a team of developers at Jubilee and train them instead, and charge for training costs so they can continue to develop the system and hand over the responsibility so we can take an exit. Since the system is quite complex, we feel that no third party will be able to take over the system without us being involved. Is it permissible in Islam to create such software that helps sell insurance? If not, then what should be our exit strategy without breaking our commitment. Kindly advise.


1. It is not permissible to create software for the insurance company, as this is tantamount to assisting in the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala. The Quraan Sharif categorically states, “And do not assist in sin and transgression.” [Maa’idah]

“ولا يجوز الاستئجار على الغناء والنوح، وكذا سائر الملاهي”؛ لأنه استئجار على المعصية والمعصية لا تستحق بالعقد. (الهداية ص306 ج3)


وعلى هذا يخرج الاستئجار على المعاصي أنه لا يصح لأنه استئجار على منفعة غير مقدورة الاستيفاء شرعا كاستئجار الإنسان للعب واللهو، وكاستئجار المغنية، والنائحة للغناء، والنوح بخلاف الاستئجار لكتابة الغناء والنوح أنه جائز؛ لأن الممنوع عنه نفس الغناء، والنوح لا كتابتهما وكذا لو استأجر رجلا ليقتل له رجلا أو ليسجنه أو ليضربه ظلما وكذا كل إجارة وقعت لمظلمة؛ لأنه استئجار لفعل المعصية فلا يكون المعقود عليه مقدور الاستيفاء شرعا (بدائع الصنائع ص189 ج4)


فان كان عمل الموظّف في البنك ما يعين علي الربا كالكتابة او الحساب فذلك حرام بوجهين : الاول اعانة علي المعصية والثاني اخذ الاجرة من المال الحرام (تكملة فتح الملهم ص619 ج1)

2. The software company should simply excuse themselves by stating that they were unaware that undertaking such a project was against the teachings of their religion. However, since they have been informed of it being impermissible, they cannot proceed further with the project. This is the only way out in our understanding.

Allah Ta’ala is the controller of hearts. If we are sincere, then Allah Ta’ala will open the way for us. It is very possible that the insurance company will understand their position and free them of their obligation. In conclusion, they should place the matter in the Hands of Allah Ta’ala and excuse themselves from the project.



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 07 Dhul Qa’dah 1443 / 08 June 2022



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