Plots of Shaytaan

Sep 11, 2023 | Posters

Transcribed from the Islaahi Majlis conducted on 24/08/2023

A fortnight ago, we discussed the great personality, Imaam Fakhrud Deen Razi Rahimahullah. He had collected 100 proofs of the existence of Allah Ta’ala but even he wasn’t spared from Shaytaan. At the time of death, Shaytaan dispelled 99 of his proofs and it was only his connection with a friend of Allah Ta’ala that saved him. This explains the importance of keeping a relationship with the friends of Allah Ta’ala. Hadrat Maulana Thanwi Rahimahullah said that in today’s times the only way to protect one’s Imaan is to remain in the Suhbat of the friends of Allah Ta’ala.


Shaytaan is our enemy in every way, shape and form. He will use any means possible to try to deviate a person. It is recorded in a narration that Shaytaan comes to a person when he intends accepting Islam and asks, “Are you going to leave the religion of your forefathers?” When a person wants to leave Darul Kufr and make Hijrah to Darul Islam, then Shaytaan creates doubts in his heart and asks, “Are you going to leave your homes, your wealth, your families and comforts?” When a person desires to go out in Jihaad, Shaytaan tells him, “There is a risk that you will lose your life, your wife will marry someone else, and your children will become orphans.” On all three attempts of Shaytaan to manipulate a believer, he fails as the believer tramples his Nafs and disobeys Shaytaan. This person secures Jannah for himself.


In Surah Naas we seek protection in Allah from “وسواس ” – the one who whispers into us evil, and “الخناس” the one who withdraws. Some narrations state that Shaytaan enters thoughts into the heart like a mongoose, whilst others state like a snake on the heart of a person.However, when a person starts making Zikr of Allah Ta’ala, Shaytaan retreats. And when he stops, Shaytaan returns. So this is what is meant by ” الوسواس الخناس”.

In a narration of Hadrat Aisha Radiallahu Anha, it is mentioned that Shaytaan puts the thought into a person, “Who created you?” Shaytaan answers himself, “Allah Ta’ala created you.” Then Shaytaan asks, “But then, who created Allah Ta’ala?” Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “At this point, say, ‘آمنت بالله و رسوله’.” (I believe in Allah and His messenger Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Another Hadith mentions that Shaytaan comes to a person at the time of Wudhu, so one should seek protection from the Wasaawis of Shaytaan when making Wudhu. The name of this Shaytaan is ‘Wala’aan.’ There is a designated Shaytaan to carry out this specific task. Many people suffer with Wasaawis at the time of Wudhu. It is mentioned that this Shaytaan holds the highest rank from all the Shayaateen.

Another occasion when Shaytaan troubles a person is at the time of Ghusl. A Hadith warns us not to urinate in the place of Ghusl. This will be an invitation to Shaytaan and an opportunity to enter doubts in one’s mind over one’s state of Tahaarah. There is an exception that the Fuqaha have made where a person starts Ghusl and then has a sudden urge to relieve himself, he may do so, provided that there is a good drainage system in place. A person should however, try his best to abstain from doing so.

Shaytaan then attacks a person when he is in Salaah. Hadrat Amr ibnul Aas Radiallahu Anhu came to Nabi Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam and said, “Ya Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam! When I commence my Salaah, thoughts trouble me to the extent that I start making mistakes and doubts arise.” Nabi Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “At that time, read Ta’awwuz three times and make the action of spitting three times to the left.” Hadrat Amr ibnul Aas says that he acted upon this and his matter was resolved. The name of this Shaytaan is Khinzab.


A person came to Abu Hadhim complaining that he suffers from Wasaawis, and the worst thoughts is that he has given his wife Talaaq. Due to this, he doesn’t know if his wife is Halaal or Haraam for him. Abu Hadhim said to him, “Never in my presence did you divorce your wife!” He replied saying, “I take a Qasm by Allah that I never divorced my wife!” Abu Hadhim said to the man that this is the solution to the Wasaawis of Shaytaan. When Shaytaan comes to you with this thought of Talaaq, then take a Qasm and say to Shaytaan that you have never divorced your wife.

The Ulama have written that to take a Qasm and pledge that one is free of Shaytaan’s accusations, is such an effective remedy that Shaytaan doesn’t come back to trouble this person again with Wasaawis.


Allah Ta’ala has given Shaytaan many abilities coupled with respite until the Day of Qiyaamah. One ability of Shaytaan is he is aware of the thought that goes through your mind and thereafter, he spreads it into the minds of others. Once, the thought of a woman went through the mind of Hadrat Umar Radiallahu Anhu. A little later, someone approached him saying, “You thought of a certain woman and that she is a very beautiful woman.” Hadrat Umar Radiallahu Anhu was surprised as he did not disclose that thought to anyone. The person said that he is unaware how, but this was the talk amongst the people. Hadrat Umar Radiallahu Anhu realized that this was the plot of Shaytaan.

News reached Hajjaaj bin Yusuf of a person who was involved in Black Magic. Hajjaaj bin Yusuf summoned him and questioned him regarding this. The person denied any involvement in Black Magic. Hajjaaj bin Yusuf picked some stones up into his hand and asked the person how many stones were in his hand. The person gave a number and it turned out to be exactly that number of stones. Hajjaaj discarded those stones and took another handful and asked the person again to tell him how many stones were in his hand.

The person said he was unable to tell. Hajjaaj bin Yusuf questioned him as to why the first time he could give the exact number but the second time, he couldn’t answer. The person responded, “The first time, your Shaytaan heard you counting the stones, and informed my Shaytaan. The second time, you did not count the stones, so your Shaytaan was unaware, therefore it was not relayed to my Shaytaan, so I too was unaware.”

Hadrat Muawiyah Radiallahu Anhu instructed one of his scribes to write something down and not to disclose it to anyone. As he was writing, a fly came and sat on the document, so he hit the fly. As he hit the fly, he broke its leg, but it still managed to fly away. When he left the residence of Hadrat Muawiyah Radiallahu Anhu, the people were already talking about the contents of that letter. An Abysinnian man with a lame leg came to inform him about it. The scribe was surprised. He went to inform Hadrat Muawiyah Radiallahu Anhu of what had transpired. Hadrat Muawiyah Radiallahu Anhu told him that the Abyssinian man was Shaytaan.

He had taken the form of a fly in order to steal the information, and when you hit it, you broke his leg, hence he was lame. Shaytaan being able to change forms is also another ability that Allah Ta’ala has given him.

In a Hadith it is mentioned that Shaytaan has his throne in the ocean. Every day, Iblis sits on his throne and all his workers give him a report of their mischief and misguidance. Each one says what Fitnah he caused amongst the people but Shaytaan is unimpressed until one says that he caused friction between a husband and wife. Shaytaan embraces him and applauds him for what he has achieved.


Imaam Ahmad bun Hambal relates that Nabi Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam had many Jinn under him, as mentioned in the Quraan Sharif. One of the senior Jinn was known as Ifreed. When Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam wanted to bring the throne of Bilqees to him, Ifreed pledged to bring it before even the blinking of an eye. Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam said to Ifreed that he wants to see Shaytaan. Ifreed asked if there was a message or instruction to give Shaytaan. Nabi Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam said no, he just wanted to see Shaytaan. Ifreed told Nabi Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam to follow him. He took him to the ocean where he saw Shaytaan sitting on his throne. Nabi Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam started feeling shy so he retreated. Shaytaan called him back and asked him the reason for him coming there. Nabi Sulaiman Alaihis Salaam had a question for Shaytaan. He said, ” Tell me, which action is most beloved to you and most hated by Allah Ta’ala?” Shaytaan responded, “When two males are attracted to each other and fulfil their desires with each other; and when two females are attracted to each other and fulfil their desires with each other, this is most beloved to me and most hated by Allah Ta’ala.”


A narration states that a single jurist is more burdensome to Shaytaan than a thousand people who are engaged in the Ibaadat of Allah Ta’ala. Under this, a story is related of two people who were very close to each other.

One was a Faqih (Aalim), and one was an Aabid. The minor Shayaateen challenged Iblees to separate these two people. Iblees took the form of a very pious person and stood on the road where the Aabid passes. Shaytaan stopped him and complained of experiencing Wasaawis and asked for assistance. The worshipper said, “Go ahead and ask, if I have the answer, I will assist you.” Iblees asked, “If Allah Ta’ala can take the seven heavens and seven earths and put it into an egg; without decreasing the size of the seven heavens and the seven earths, and without increasing the size of the egg. Is this possible?” The man was perplexed and hesitated. Iblees told him not to worry and returned to the minor Shayaateen. He told them how he planted a seed of doubt in the mind of the man as to the Qudrat of Allah Ta’ala, which has ultimately destroyed his Imaan.

Now Iblees turns his attention to the jurist. He asks the jurist the same question. The jurist agreed, no doubt Allah Ta’ala can do it. Iblees pressed him to cause doubt but the Aalim stood firm and said that Allah Ta’ala is able to do anything-Allah Ta’ala only has to say “Be!” and it comes into existence, and that also, is only for our understanding. Iblees fled from there and told the minor Shayaateen that this is an Aalim of Deen and his sound knowledge of Deen makes it difficult to cause doubt in him.


When Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal Rahmatullahi Alaih was passing away, he kept repeating, “Not yet! Not yet!” His son, who was present at the time asked, “O my father! What are you referring to?” Imaam Ahmad replied, “Shaytaan is telling me that I have escaped him.” Even at the time of death, Imaam Ahmad said that he was not yet free of Shaytaan’s traps. In a Hadith of Abu Dawud Sharif, we are taught a Dua by Nabi Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam, “Oh Allah! I seek refuge in You from going stray at the time of Maut.”

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنِّيْ اَعُوْذُبِكَ اَنْ يَتَخَبَّطَنِيَ الشَّيْطَانُ عِنْدَ اْلمَوْتِ

Shaytaan is so powerful and strong that even the Malaaikah exclaimed surprise when they see a Rooh leave the worldو escaping the plots of Shaytaan. It is hoped that by keeping connection with the friends of Allah, we can be protected from the plots of Shaytaan. Allah Ta’ala protect us all Aameen


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