Two-lengths haircut

Jul 12, 2022 | Appearance And Attire


If a male has one size haircut, like number 4, all around, but around the edges of the hairline all around the head, he has the hair trimmed shorter as the hair sticks out, to make it look neat and tidy, is this permissible – like near the ear, back of the head and the front hairline?


The hair should be kept one length on all sides. Hadrat Abdullah Bin Umar Radiallhu Anhu prohibited from Qaza, which refers to shaving part of the hair of a child and leaving a part of it.

وفي رواية لمسلم عنه قال : قلت لنافع : وما القزع قال يحلق بعض راس الصبي ويترك بعض (رواه مسلم رقم 2120)

Allama Aini Rahimahullah states in Umdatul Qaari that Allama Nawawi Rahimahullah has stated in the commentary of Muslim Sharif, “The Ulama are unanimous on Qaza being Makrooh when the hair is trimmed in different places, except if it is carried out due to medical treatment etc. (Umdatul Qaari Pg.107 Vol.15)

وقال النووي في شرح مسلم : اجمع العلماء علي كراهة القزع اذا كان في مواضع متفرقة الا ان يكون لمداواة ونحوها وهي كراهة تنزيه (عمدة القاري ص107 ج15)

It is recorded in Fataawa Hindiyya that according to Imaam Abu Hanifa Rahimahullah, it is Makrooh to shave the nape except at the time of cupping (as the objective of removing the hair in this instance is not keeping up with fashion trends).

وعن ابي حنيفة يكره ان يحلق قفاه الا عند الحجامة كذا في الينابيع (الفتاوي الهندية ص357 ج5)

Hadrat Gangohi Rahimahullah has stated in Fataawa Rasheediyyah that it is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi to trim part of the hair and leave part of the hair.

تحريما لقوله عليه السلام نهي عن القزع (فتاوي رشيدية ص630)

In conclusion, it is not permissible to trim part of the hair and leave part of the hair as mentioned in your query, particularly when a large number of people do so on the basis of fashion and in emulation of the Kuffar. The hair should therefore be kept one length on all sides.



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 12 Dhul Hijjah 1443 / 12 July 2022


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