Is it permitted to keep wind chimes in one’s house?
We as Muslims should totally avoid using wind chimes. The internet states, “Many people believe that these tinkling ornaments can bring good luck and prosperity into their life. The wind chime spiritual meaning is rooted in ancient traditions. The gentle tinkle of wind chimes, created with the breeze, is thought to disperse negative energy while attracting positive vibes to your abode.”
It further states, “Chimes were thought to ward off evil spirits. In 1100 BC, the Chinese were the first to appreciate the musical and artistic properties of wind chimes and bells.”
Due to the corrupt beliefs of people regarding wind chimes and the musical sounds created by them it will not be permissible to utilize them.
عن ابن عباس حدثه قال: كنت ردْفَ النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم -، فقال لي: “يا غلام، إني محدثك حديثاً: احفظ الله يَحفظْك، احفظ الله تجدْه تجَاهك، إذا سألتَ فاسأل الله، وإذا استعنتَ فاستعِنْ بالله، فقد رفعتَ الأقلامُ: وجَفَّت الكتب، فلو جاءت الأُمةُ ينفعونك بشيء لم يكتُبه الله عز وجل لك لما استطاعتْ، ولو أرادتْ أن تضرك بشيء لم يكتبه الله لك ما استطاعت”. (رواه احمد)
Mufti Mohammed Desai
Date: 01 Rajab 1445 / 13 January 2024