The National Elections are coming up many people are debating who we should vote for. People also often bring up the Palestinian and Israeli conflict and which Political party is in favour of Israel. Recently there was a parliamentary vote between Political parties, to remove the Israeli embassy from South Africa.
Seeing the outcome of this vote 1 Political party in particular is in support of Israel.
My question is, knowing that this Political party is in support of Israel, but they are also able to provide good service delivery with minimal corruption, as we see from the province’s and towns in which they hold authority and they somewhat meet the following requirements as per a previous Fatwa/
Would it be permissible to vote for this particular Political Party?
The current government does not fulfil the rights of its citizens as it ought to be fulfilled and are further involved in unlimited fraud and corruption. This is a clear indication that they are in no way worthy of the position afforded to them. Yes, they haven’t restricted us in any way in terms of Deen, thus we are able to freely practice upon our Deen in this country. Also, they have stood in solidarity with the Muslims on the Palestinian issue and even had the Israeli embassy removed from South Africa. In essence, we are harmed from a worldly perspective, but enjoy religious freedom while they are in power.
On the other hand, the other political party may be providing services but are enemies of Islam and the Muslims. The hatred in their hearts is far worse than what they make apparent. They are very quick to raise objections when Muslims intend erecting Masaajid and call out the Adhaan on a loudspeaker. It is highly possible that if they are in power, they will impose further restrictions and harm upon the believers as Israel, USA, Britian, China, etc. have done. In conclusion, they too are not worthy of our votes.
The next question then will be, what is the way forward? Allah Ta’ala states in the Quraan Sharif, “Allah has promised those of you who have Imaan and who do good actions that He will definitely make them successors (of the rulers) on earth just as He had made those before them successors. And He will certainly grant strength to the Deen that He has chosen for them and will certainly replace their fear with peace (on condition that) they worship Me and do not ascribe any partner to myself.” [Surah Noor, Verse 55]
We should make Dua for an Islamic Khilaafat as living under Kuffar rule is humiliation for the believers. This will be achieved through maintaining correct beliefs and carrying out good deeds. This is the only solution for us Muslims. In conclusion, none of the parties are worthy of our votes due to the abovementioned reasons.
Mufti Mohammed Desai
Date:- 13 Jumadal Ula 1445 / 27 November 2023