Ejaculating whilst fasting

Mar 18, 2024 | Nullifying Factors


A person was fasting in the month of Ramadaan. He met with a Ghair Mahram women (non Muslim also) and started talking and then went further where he slept on top of her. They started making movement but both had clothes on. The brother then felt that he had released sperms. There after thinking that maybe now his fast is broken he repeats this action and then sperms comes out with force. What is the ruling?  He has made a lot of Tauba and is also requesting Mufti Saheb for Duas that such a thing should never happen again.


The brother has perpetrated a serious wrong and should sincerely repent for his error. It is the month of Ramadaan wherein the special mercy of Almighty Allah is descending in great torrents all the time, thus turn to Him and He will forgive all your errors. Also, he should refrain from committing such an error in the future for which a firm intention is required. May Allah Ta’ala forgive and guide us all to His pleasure. Ameen!

The fast is nullified and he will have to keep Qadha. There is no Kaffarah.  [Re:- Thamaratun Najah Pg.600]



Mufti Mohammed Desai

Date: 07 Ramadaan 1445 / 18 March 2024


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