Fidyah for Salaah for a terminally ill patient

Jan 28, 2024 | Salaah


Please advise what the amount for Fidyah is, when a person is terminally ill, with regards to missed Salaah. Who can it be given to?


Firstly, the sick person should try and perform all his Salaah to the best of his ability. If he is unable to stand and perform Salaah, then he should sit and perform Salaah. If he is unable to sit and perform Salaah, then he should lie down and perform Salaah. Salaah cannot be omitted due to illness. Yes, if one was unconscious for more than 6 Salaah, then he will be absolved of his responsibility in the sense that, he will not be required to make Qadha of the Salaah missed during the period of unconsciousness. It is mentioned in the Mubarak Hadith that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, would take the support of two Sahaabah and go to the Masjid for Salaah in his final illness when he was unable to walk to the Masjid.

Secondly, Fidya for Salaah cannot be paid in one’s lifetime, rather, the sick person should make a bequest that the Fidya of his missed Salaah must be discharged from his estate. However, the Fidya amount cannot exceed one third of the net estate value after discharging burial expenses and paying outstanding debts.

Furthermore, Fidya will have to be discharged for a total number of 6 Salaahs daily (which includes the Witr Salaah). The Fidya amount is the same as the Sadaqatul Fitr amount which is approximately R30.00 in cash or 1.6 kg of wheat or 3.2kg of barley.

ومن أغمي عليه خمس صلوات أو دونها قضى وإن كان أكثر من ذلك لم يقض (الهداية ص78 ج1)

ولو فدى عن صلاته في مرضه لا يصح بخلاف الصوم… في التتارخانية عن التتمة: سئل الحسن بن علي عن الفدية عن الصلاة في مرض الموت هل تجوز؟ فقال لا. وسئل أبو يوسف عن الشيخ الفاني هل تجب عليه الفدية عن الصلوات كما تجب عليه عن الصوم وهو حي؟ فقال لا (الدر المختار و حاشية ابن عابدين 2/74)

ولو مات وعليه صلوات فائتة وأوصى بالكفارة يعطى لكل صلاة نصف صاع من بر كالفطرة وكذا حكم الوتر والصوم، وإنما يعطي من ثلث ماله ولو لم يترك مالا يستقرض وارثه نصف صاع مثلا ويدفعه لفقير ثم يدفعه الفقير للوارث ثم وثم حتى يتم.(الدر المختار و حاشية ابن عابدين 2/72)

 Re: – Kitaab-un-Nawaazil Vol.4 Pg.544



Maulana Abdul Kader Fazlani

Date: – 15 Rajab 1445 / 27 January 2024


Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb






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