Q1) What is the Arabic and English spelling of the name Tameem?
A1) The name ‘Tameem’ is spelt تميم Taa, Meem, Yaa, Meem in the Arabic language, and is spelt as Tameem or Tamīm in the English language.
Q2) What is the meaning of the name?
A2) It means complete or one with a good stature.
Q3) Is it a suitable name for a baby boy?
A3) As for naming one’s child ‘Tameem’, it is a good name to name one’s child due to there being various companions of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam with such a name.
Q4) I have read regarding the Sahaabi Tameem-Daari Radiallahu Anhu, that he was the Sahaabi whom the Jinn had invited to Islam when he was travelling one day. He was the Sahaabi who introduced the idea of lamps and Mimbar in the Masjid and completed Tilaawah of the Quraan Sharif in the Ka’abah Sharif. I would like to know whether this is Saheeh as well as any other history of this Sahaabi?
A4) With regards to the Sahaabi who was a companion of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam by the name Tameem Ad-Daari , none of the reliable scholars have stated that he was invited to Islam by the Jinn whilst travelling, nor was he the one to introduce the Mimbar in Masjid-un-Nabawi, nor did he complete recitation of the Quraan Sharif in the Ka’aba Sharif.
However, what is mentioned is that he was the first person to light the lamp in Masjid-un-Nabawi. Before Islam he followed the Christian faith. He accepted Islam in 9 A.H and was a devoted worshipper who performed a lot of Tahajjud Salaah. He was the Sahaabi who saw the Dajjal at the deserted island while travelling and narrated the incident to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, who in turn narrated it to the other companions from the Mimbar.
Mufti Muhammad Isa Ali
Date: 05 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1446 / 09 September 2024
Mufti Mohammed Desai Saheb
- Tamim – complete/one with a good stature تميم
فتاوى دار العلوم زكريا 7/592 زمزم 2016
- حدث عن النبي حديث الجساسة, وهو حديث صحيح…وهو اول من اسرج السراج في المسجد
اسد الغابة 1/328 – 329 دار الكتب العلمية
- كان نصرانيا, وقدم المدينة فأسلم, وذكر للنبي قصة الجساسة والدجال, فحدث النبي عنه بذلك على المنبر, وعد ذلك من منابقه…قال ابن السكن: اسلم سنة تسع هو واخوه نعيم, ولهما صحبة…وهو اول من اسرج السراج في المسجد
الاصابة في تمييز الصحابة 2/9