Remedy For Jealousy And Pride

Jul 17, 2024 | Character And Mannerism


Please advise how one can overcome jealousy and pride.


The Cure for Jealousy

If one is jealous of someone, then he should do the following:

1. Always make Salaam first

2. Meet him before going on a journey

3. Upon returning from a journey, bring him some gift, even though it may be cheap in value

4. Praise him in your gatherings

5. Occasionally invite him for a meal

6. Make abundant Dua for him

7. If anyone speaks ill of him, stop them strictly. Tell them that it is Haraam (prohibited) to backbite, as well as to listen to it.

By practicing on these guidelines for a few days Insha’Allah, this disease will be cured. Instead of burning within yourself due to jealousy, you will attain love for him and your heart will become light in weight like a rose-petal. It will be free for Allah Ta’ala’s remembrance and worship, and will be filled with tranquillity.

Re: Reformation of Character Pg. 39

The Cure for Pride

1. Ponder that the excellences found within myself are not created by myself but rather are a gift of Allah Ta’ala.

2. This gift was neither due to me being worthy of it, nor due to my capabilities. It has been granted to me solely by His grace and kindness.

3. The preservation of this bounty is also not within my control. When Allah Ta’ala wants, He can snatch it away.

4. Even though the one whom I regard as low does not possess this excellence at present, Allah Ta’ala has the power to snatch away this excellence from me and grant it to him. Or alternatively, without snatching it from me, Allah Ta’ala can grant him a higher level of that excellence and can grant him such a lofty status that I will become dependent on him.

5. Even if, in the future, he does not attain this excellence, it is quite possible that now he has within himself such excellence which is concealed from me and everyone else, which only Allah Ta’ala is aware of. Due to that excellence, he is more beloved and accepted in Allah Ta’ala’s sight than me.

6. If the possibility of any excellence does not come to mind,then think that it is possible that he is more accepted in the sight of Allah Ta’ala than me and in the knowledge of Allah Ta’ala, my acceptance is of a far lesser degree, or I may not be accepted at all. On the Day of Judgment, how many people who used to walk by foot in this world will be on conveyances, and conversely, how many people who were on conveyances here will have to walk. Therefore, what right do I have to regard him as inferior, when I am not aware of my own result?

7. Deal kindly and behave benevolently with the person whom you regard as contemptible or low. Make a lot of Dua for him. Consequently, love for him will be created, and the natural characteristic of love is that whoever one loves, he does not regard him with contempt. For this purpose, make it a point to ask that person how he is feeling and speak to him. In this manner, a relationship will be established from both sides and contempt will vanish.

Re: Reformation of Character Pg. 35



Maulana Abdul Kader Fazlani

Date: 09 Muharram 1446 / 16 July 2024


Mufti Mohammed Desai


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